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Provider Portal

Wraparound Milwaukee


Welcome Providers!

Wraparound Milwaukee - Children's Community Mental Health Services currently has eight Care Coordination agencies and over 400 agency and individual providers that contribute to over 80 different mental health, social and supportive services. 

This portal is meant to support and supplement the work that you do. 

Engagement Toolkit

The engagement toolkit is a resource to enhance interactions related to working with youth and families. It includes a compilation of ideas, strategies, and resources organized into specific areas and is functional for any individual providing services to families.

Frequently Used Forms

Open AllClose All
  Housing/Placement Resources
  Policies and Procedures
  Referrals and Additional Resources
  Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire
  Team Meeting/Plan of Care Tools
  Tools for Youth Missing from Care
  CCS Specific
  Provider Specific
  Provider Credentialing

Practitioners that are subject to credentialing requirements are defined as licensed individuals who are legally authorized to provide independent care and treatment to patients. The practitioner types included in this definition include physicians, doctoral level psychologists, advanced practice nurses (clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, certified nurse practitioners) and physician assistants.

Initial Credentialing Application

Recredentialing Application

Provider Network Credentialing Program and Governing Document

Training Resources & Information

Training Calendar  |  Training Descriptions

Register for trainings through the online calendar.

For questions about training, please email [email protected]

CC In-Service Schedule

In-services are held virtually on the first Tuesday of the month. The link can be found in the training calendar or email [email protected] for the calendar invite.


Provider Training

Moodle Training – If you are having difficulties logging in to Moodle, email [email protected]

Live Training – Visit the Training Calendar to see future in-person trainings for providers.

We would love to hear from you!

Your voice is important, and your opinion matters.

Any comments, questions, suggestions or general feedback? 

Send us a message and a member of our team will review. If you'd like us to follow up with you, please be sure to leave the best phone number or email.

*If you have comments/questions regarding Children's Community Mental Health referrals, navigate to Children's Community Mental Health referral information.

* indicates a required field

Contact Us!

Resource & Referral Line: (414) 257-7607
Milwaukee Mobile Crisis: (414) 257-7222
Synthesis Help Desk: (414) 257-7547
Milwaukee County Mental Health Clinic: (414) 257-7610

Wraparound Administration: (414) 257-7639
1220 W. Vliet Street, 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53205

Access the Wraparound Resource Guide to find a wide range of individual providers reflecting diverse interests, experience, therapeutic knowledge, and languages spoken. 


1220 W. Vliet St.

Suite 301

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53205

Our Vision

Together, creating healthy communities.

Our Mission

Empowering safe, healthy, meaningful lives.

Our Values

Partnership, Respect, Integrity, 

Diversity, Excellence

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