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Wraparound Milwaukee - Children's Community Mental Health Services

One Child, One Plan for Youth up to Age 23

Main Content

24-Hour Crisis Line

Call (414) 257-7222 now if you believe you or a loved one is experiencing a crisis.

Community Resources

MKE Mobile Crisis

If you believe your child is experiencing a crisis, call Milwaukee Mobile Crisis line now.


The Milwaukee Mobile Crisis team supports callers on the Milwaukee County Crisis Line and provides mental health crisis responses and intervention to individuals of all ages, in the community. This non-police mobile response provides services 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is composed of counselors, therapists, psychologists and nurses.

Refer to Our System of Care

We offer an array of programming and services for youth between the ages of 5 and 23 who are in need of support with behavioral or mental health needs.

To speak with someone directly, call us at (414) 257-7607 and someone will reach out to you. You can also:

Submit a Referral Online

Programming is voluntary and assessments are done at no cost to the family. 

Resource and Referral Postcard (English and Spanish)

Re-source Extension LogoRe-source Extension

Technical assistance offered to Wraparound Milwaukee and other mental health programs that includes: training, workforce and leadership development, program development, QA/QI, sustainable funding models and system of care expansion.

Re-source Extension Brochure | Meet our Re-Source Team!

Re-source Extension Training Calendar | Re-source Extension Training Videos 

To schedule a site visit, request training or consultation, or speak to someone about ways we can support your agency in service to youth and young adults, email us at [email protected]

Owen's Place

Owen’s Place is a community drop-in resource center for young adults age 16 to 24 whose mental health needs may be impacting their ability to become independent. Owen’s Place is equipped with a computer lab, kitchen, laundry facility, and monthly calendar of social events and skill building activities. Connection is the foundation of Owen’s Place, where young people can build relationships with each other and staff, and find connections to community resources based on their individual needs and interests. Owen's Place Brochure.

Connect With Us!

4610 W. Fond Du Lac Ave. |  (414) 977-4249

504 W. National Ave | (414) 312-7821

Owens Place - Open on Facebook

Who We Are

Wraparound Milwaukee Logo

Wraparound Milwaukee - Children’s Community Mental Health Services is a unique system of care for children with serious emotional behavioral, and mental health needs and their families.


To help build healthy and strong communities by enhancing children and families’ ability to meet life’s challenges and to foster resiliency and hope for a better future. We use a Wraparound philosophy and approach that focuses on strength-based, individualized care. Combined with a unique organizational structure, Wraparound Milwaukee delivers a comprehensive and flexible array of services to youth and their families.

Wraparound Milwaukee involves families at all levels of the system and aggressively monitors quality and outcomes. It operates from a value base that emphasizes building on strengths to meet needs; one family-one plan of care; cost-effective community-based alternatives to residential treatment placements, juvenile correctional placement as appropriate and psychiatric hospitalization; increased parent choice and family independence; and care for children in the context of their family and community.


  • To serve each youth and family with respect and dignity acknowledging their strengths, needs and preferences
  • To partner with the agencies that work with families to create a coordinated, holistic plan for a better life
  • To support youth and their families to remain safely in their homes and communities
  • To provide quality care that is culturally responsive to the diverse needs of the families we serve
  • To provide leadership in creating lasting resources to promote the health and well being of families in their communities


Wraparound Milwaukee Core Values:

  • Unconditional Care
  • Person/Family Driven
  • Strength Based
  • Needs Driven
  • Cultural Humility
  • Equity
  • Community-Based
  • Investment
  • Collaboration
  • System Integration
  • Normalization

All programs follow the same values, philosophy and process.

All programs are supported by their associated provider networks and community resources.

Wraparound Milwaukee has a broad benefit plan of over 100 different mental health, social and supportive services. This network of community agencies and individual providers provides a variety of options for every service type, giving families considerable choice for their child and their family.

Graphic listing Wraparound Milwaukee Values

This graphic represents the core values for Wraparound Milwaukee - Children’s Community Mental Health Services Services.

System Of Care

Reaching, Engaging and Assisting Children & Families (REACH): 

REACH serves youth who are experiencing a psychiatric crisis or if intervention is not provided, are at risk of experiencing a psychiatric crisis. The purpose of REACH is to assist with conflict management to prevent out-of-home placement, improve the youth’s coping skills to reduce risk of harm to self or others, and assist in obtaining supportive services in the community. REACH can serve youth from the age of 5, up to 23, who are Medicaid eligible. A Care Coordinator will assist with developing a crisis plan and connecting to supports and services within the community or the youth’s insurance. Enrollment into REACH may include crisis stabilization and some time-limited specialized services.

Comprehensive Community Services (CCS): 

An option for families in Milwaukee County that provides support and services to youth and young adults who are coping with a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. As a voluntary community-based program, CCS addresses needs throughout a person’s lifespan, with a coordinated and comprehensive array of recovery, treatment and psychosocial rehabilitation services.

Coordinated Opportunities for Recovery and Empowerment (CORE):

As a subset of CCS, CORE serves 10- to 23-year-olds who are at high risk of, or who are, experiencing their first episode with psychosis. Services include: care coordination, individual therapy, employment and education support, peer support and medication management.

Additional Services

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Youth Crisis Stabilization Facilities (YCSF)

Six-bed facility available for females ages 17 and younger who are experiencing a mental health crisis. During their short-term stay, youth will receive therapeutic services, recreation, life skills support, and transitional case management. YCSF staff coordinate school attendance in-person or virtually for the youth in their care to ensure no educational disruption. 

To make a referral - Call Lad Lake directly at (414) 750-6109. They will accept referrals Monday-Friday 8am-8pm. YCSF Brochure

Family Advocacy Services

Run by families with lived experience, this provider offers family support, advocacy services, family-run support groups and family events. They also train providers and are the voice of families on committees and in the community. 

Educational Liaisons

Provides specialized advocacy services to enrolled youth and families. Educational advocacy includes participation with families as partners in the special education process at all levels to ensure student rights are upheld, and youth and families are supported during 504 plan meetings, individualized education plan meetings, expulsion hearings and more.

Trauma Response Team (TRT)

In collaboration with the Milwaukee Police Department, Mobile Crisis provides support services to children and their families when they have witnessed or have been exposed to potentially traumatic events such as serious accidents, sudden death, shootings, violence or domestic violence.

(TRT Brochure English | TRT Brochure Español)

Our Girls Are Struggling Campaign

Visit the Our Girls Are Struggling Campaign Page to learn more about the campaign and hear stories from local teens about what stresses them out and how they cope.

Video Resources

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Mind Matters: Addressing Youth Mental Health and Trauma in Back-to-School Season

Identifying when a young individual might require assistance is crucial for their overall mental well-being. Recognizing that parents, educators, caregivers or community members might need to guide young individuals toward support, it's vital for individuals to be aware and informed about the mental health challenges youth and young adults may be facing and where they can turn to for support.

Watch Wraparound's most recent webinar and learn from a panel of mental health experts from our organization about common mental health challenges and trauma young people may face as they return back to school and how you can help create a supportive environment.



Closer look at youth mental health: High levels of depression, suicidal thoughts in teens

Mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, have been on the rise among youth across the nation. Adolescence is often a challenging time, and the current generation of youth are facing additional unique stressors that can feel especially overwhelming and lead to poor mental well-being. Parents, caregivers, and other adults in the lives of children may feel unequipped or unsure how to support youth experiencing emotional or behavioral difficulties.

Wraparound clinicians, Dr. Courtney Weston (psychologist) and Rada Drča (clinical school liaison), joined Stephanie Brown of TMJ4 news Steph Connects for a two-part segment to discuss the stressors youth are facing, signs that a youth may be struggling with mental health issues, and how to support youth as they navigate these difficulties.





We would love to hear from you!

Your voice is important, and your opinion matters.

Any comments, questions, suggestions or general feedback? 

Send us a message and a member of our team will review. If you'd like us to follow up with you, please be sure to leave the best phone number or email.

If you have comments/questions regarding referrals, navigate to Wraparound Milwaukee - Children's Community Mental Health Services referral information.

* indicates a required field

Contact Us!

Resource & Referral Line: (414) 257-7607
Milwaukee Mobile Crisis: (414) 257-7222
Synthesis Help Desk: (414) 257-7547
Milwaukee County Mental Health Clinic: (414) 257-7610

Wraparound Administration: (414) 257-7639
1220 W. Vliet Street, 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53205

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