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Prevention and Harm Reduction


The Community Access to Recovery Services (CARS) Prevention and Harm Reduction Team promotes community-centered, evidence-based primary prevention strategies. They strive to reduce overdose deaths, prevent substance misuse disorder, promote harm reduction and foster a culture of health and wellness.

Community Access to Recovery Services Prevention Staff

Jeremy Triblett

Prevention Integration Manager

Hello there! My name is Jeremy Triblett, and I work as a Prevention Integration Manager for Milwaukee County. My job involves assisting BHHS service areas to implement prevention science in initiatives aimed at helping aging individuals, the unhoused, youth, and adults with mental health challenges. I began my journey towards prevention by teaching teenagers how to make choices that support their goals and prevent them from developing addiction, illness, or dependency. I am extremely passionate about finding innovative solutions, bringing together people, and making Milwaukee County a healthier and safer place to live.

Vaynesia Kendrick

Prevention Coordinator

Greetings!!!  I am Vaynesia Kendrick, a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and I serve as the Behavioral Health Prevention Coordinator for the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services-CARS Program.  For the past six years, I have worked in the field of prevention, focusing on serving youth and adults in areas such as suicide prevention, substance use prevention and mental health awareness. During this time, I have gained extensive experience and knowledge in these areas, as well as providing support and resources to those in need.  My unwavering commitment is to continue making a positive difference in the lives of those I have the privilege to serve within Milwaukee County.

Clarence Jenkins

Administrative Coordinator

Hi, I'm Clarence Jenkins, an Administrator Coordinator at Milwaukee County.  I've been in prevention and substance use recovery for over 8 years.  I grew up in Milwaukee and have worked tirelessly to make my city a better place for us all.  Milwaukee County is making a positive leap forward to reduce substance use and improve one's health!

DHHS Prevention Pillars: Information Dissemination, Alternatives, Community Based Process, Education, Problem Identification, Environmental strategies

CARS Prevention Pillars

The Prevention and Harm Reduction Team implements evidence-based primary prevention and harm reduction strategies in six categories known as the CARS Prevention Pillars.

Harm Reduction Vending Machines

Information Dissemination

We partner with marketing agencies, content experts and community leaders to identify messaging strategies and dissemination methods. We enjoy reaching our community via media campaigns, brochures, radio/TV, movie screenings, resource directories, speaking engagements, health fairs, conferences, meetings, and seminars, social media, hotlines and literature.


Builds skills through structured learning processes. Critical life and social skills include decision-making, peer resistance, coping with stress, problem-solving, interpersonal communication, and systematic and judgmental abilities. Ongoing classroom and/or small group sessions; education programs for youth groups; mentors; parenting and family management.


Provides participation in activities that exclude alcohol and other drugs.  The purpose is to meet the needs filled by alcohol and other drugs with healthy activities and to discourage the use of alcohol and drugs through these activities. Youth/adult leadership activities; community service activities, alcohol and other drug free dances and parties.

Problem Identification and Referral

Aim at identifying those who have indulged in illegal/age-inappropriate use of tobacco or alcohol and those individuals who have indulged in the first use of illicit drugs to assess if their behavior can be reversed through education. Student assistance programs, employee assistance programs, driving while under the influence/driving while intoxicated education programs.

Community-Based Process

Provides ongoing networking activities and technical assistance to community groups or agencies.  It encompasses neighborhood-based, grassroots empowerment models using action planning and collaborative systems planning. Multi-agency coordination and collaboration/coalition; systematic planning; community and volunteer training; drug take back days.

Environmental Strategy

Establishes or changes written and unwritten community standards, codes, and attitudes, thereby influencing alcohol and other drug use by the general population. Promoting the establishment or review of alcohol and drug use policies in school; guidance and technical assistance on monitoring enforcement governing availability and distribution of alcohol and other drugs; modify alcohol advertising practices.

Join the Prevention Collective Mailing List

The Prevention Collective: Aligning prevention strategies across DHHS

The Prevention Collective is a mailing list powered by the Community Access to Recovery Services (CARS) department of Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services (BHS). We developed The Prevention Collective mailing list to provide county residents and service providers monthly announcements about training, resources and volunteering opportunities. These monthly announcements are the best way for subscribers to stay in the know about various county-led prevention efforts, mental health resources and harm reduction strategies.

Our Vision

Together, creating healthy communities.

Our Mission

Empowering safe, healthy, meaningful lives.

Our Values

Partnership, Respect, Integrity, 

Diversity, Excellence

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