OATS is available for eligible Milwaukee County residents that are 60 years or older. Vans provide transportation to medical or dental appointments, grocery shopping and voting, as well as county-owned or sponsored senior centers, cultural sites, senior dining sites, and wellness programs within Milwaukee County. Rides are $4 each way for medical and dental appointments, and a voluntary contribution of $4 per ride is encouraged for other destinations. Rides must be scheduled 3 business days in advance. Call (414) 289-6874.
For a full list of eligible destinations and complete service details see the OATS Service Guide.
Servicio de Transporte Para Adultos Mayores
The WisGo Reduced Fare Card is available for eligible children, older adults, persons enrolled in Medicare or Transit Plus, or persons with a qualifying disability. MCTS buses can take you throughout the county. This reduces the fare to $1 per ride, and customers pay no more than $2 per day, $11/week and $32/month. Call (414) 937-3218.
Transit Plus is available for individuals with a physical or cognitive disability that prevent them from using public transit. Transit Plus vans provide accessible transportation to any location in Milwaukee County. Rides through Transit Plus cost $4 each way and must be scheduled 24 hours in advanced. Call 414-343-1700.
VEYO provides Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) for Wisconsin Medicaid (including IRIS) and BadgerCare Plus members. Rides are free or reimbursed and must be scheduled 2 business days in advanced. Call 866-907-1493.
The Disabled American Veterans offers rides to and from the Milwaukee VA Medical Center for veterans. Rides are free and must be scheduled two weeks before your appointment. Call 414-384-2000 ext. 45715.
Eras Senior Network volunteer drivers are available for Milwaukee County residents 60 years or older. Eras provides rides to meet basic needs, such as to the doctor or dentist appointments, or trips to the pharmacy, grocery store, or bank. Rides are free and must be scheduled 7 days in advance. Call 414-488-6500.