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Supporting Individuals With Accessing and Maintaining Housing

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Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)

(414) 278-4894

My Home (Homeless Supportive Housing)

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Milwaukee County Home Repair Program

Housing Services helps to provide financial assistance to low-income, owner-occupants of single-family homes to make necessary home repairs. The program provides zero-interest loans to eligible property owners in Milwaukee County, except the City of Milwaukee, the City of West Allis and the Village of River Hills. Common items repaired through Milwaukee County Home Repair include hot water heaters, furnaces, sewer laterals, roofs, siding, trim, windows, porches, foundations, plumbing, electrical, lead remediation and accessibility modifications.

Program Highlights

  • Home Repair Program staff provides project management services that includes providing initial inspections, creating detailed scope of work, working with contractors to bid the project and monitoring work progress
  • Homeowners may receive financial assistance to fund the work
  • Homeowners will sign contract and loan documents directly with Home Repair 
  • DHHS Housing Services pays the contractor directly
  • Owner repays DHHS Housing Services for work completed

Income Limits (2023)

Household Size Gross Annual Income
1 $55,950
2 $63,950
3 $71,950
4 $79,900
5 $86,300
6 $92,700
7 $99,100
8 $105,500

Contact Home Repair

414-278-4917 [email protected]


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What is the Home Repair Loan Program?

The Housing Services offers no interest loans to income qualified homeowners in the suburban communities of Milwaukee County, excluding the Cities of Milwaukee and West Allis.

The loans can cover a wide range of repairs required to maintain a home, emergency repairs, and municipal citations. The focus of the loan will be on the living quarters in the home. 

For components that are more extensive than the examples listed above can be discussed with Home Repair Program Staff at the time of application and/or first meeting.

If lead hazards are found within the home, these will be addressed as part of the project and loan.

What homes qualify?

Homes must be owner-occupied and located in Milwaukee County.

Homes in the Cities of Milwaukee and West Allis, and Village of River Hills, are excluded.

Homes must be single-family or duplexes and must have the equity to cover the cost of repairs.

Milwaukee County will place a lien on the property to secure the loan. 

How much money is there?

Loans funds are provided to Milwaukee County through the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The amount of funds available varies from year to year.

This is important to remember because the County only receives a certain amount of funds each year to be used for repairs, rehabilitation and accessibility projects.

Contact the office for more information about funding availability.

What households qualify?

Households must meet the income guidelines based on family size and gross income, including assets.

Households must have the ability to repay the loan, be current on taxes and utilities, owned the home for at least 12 months, not had a foreclosure action in the last 12 months, and not have an active bankruptcy.

Applicants must own the home, no trusts or land contracts. Mobile homes are ineligible. 

What is involved in the application process?

Applications for home repairs are completed through an online software. 

  • All household members over 18 years of age must sign the application, conflict of interest and release form.
  • Completed applications, including all supporting income and debt information, shall be submitted through the online application.  Documentation should be uploaded with the application.
  • After application is completed online, program staff will review documentation submitted to determine if the application is eligible.
  • If eligible, inspection staff will contact the homeowner for an initial meeting to view the property and discuss items in need of repair.
  • Staff will work with homeowner to create a scope(s) of work for the work needed at the home.
  • Upon owner’s approval of the scope, the scope is sent to contractors to request a bid for the project.
  • Work will be completed by local, licensed contractors on an approved bidder list.
  • Owners will review and select contractors based on cost-reasonable bids. A loan will be created based on project costs.
  • Project costs and loan amounts are presented to a Review Board for approval.  If approved, staff will work with owners to sign loan documents, an agreement for the work with the contractor(s), and schedule the work with contractors.
What information do I need to provide to apply?

Households will be asked to provide detailed information regarding income and debts including the following:

  • Most current signed federal tax return filed
  • Past two months of pay stubs
  • All utility bills (gas, electric, water/sewer)
  • Bank statements
  • Retirement/pension account statements
  • Social security statement
  • Property tax bill
  • Mortgage statement
  • Homeowner’s insurance
  • All other income and debt information

Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)


What Is Section 8 Rent Assistance?

Section 8 is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This program is designed to help low-income families and individuals with rent assistance for decent, safe and sanitary housing provided by private owners and rental agents.  

How Do I Apply?

You can apply during open enrollment.  The next open enrollment period will be posted here when announced. The following information will be required for each household: name, date of birth, mailing address, Social Security number and if available, phone number. Full applications will be mailed at a later date.  

Who Is Eligible to Apply?

Housing assistance is available to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals or non-citizens who have eligible immigration status. Mixed families will receive prorated assistance. You may enroll yourself and up to two other households. All households must meet the income limits set by HUD:

Income Limits (2023)

Household Size Income Limit
1 $25,050
2 $28,600
3 $32,200
4 $35,750
5 $38,650
6 $41,500
7 $44,350
8 $47,200


Section 8 Contact Information

Phone: (414) 278-4894

Fax: (414) 223-1825

Information for Housing Choice Voucher Program providers

Section 8 Disqualifiers

If a member of your household meets one or more of the following criteria, you will be ineligible for Milwaukee County’s Section 8 Voucher Program:

  • Subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a state sex offender registration program
  • Evicted from federally assisted housing in the last five years
  • Terminated by Milwaukee County’s rent assistance program
  • Families over income (all household income is considered)
  • Incomplete documentation or fraudulent information
  • Owing debt to Milwaukee County Rent Assistance Program or any other Housing Authority.

Where are Section 8 Voucher Recipients Residing?

Section 8 voucher recipients choose the communities across the County in which they desire to live.

See where Section 8 recipients reside

DHHS Housing News

Baldwin, Crowley Promote Foreclosure-to-Affordable Housing Program

by: Graham Kilmer, Reporter, Urban Milwaukee 

$8 million in funding will rehab tax-foreclosed homes for sale at affordable prices.


Green Bay Packers Foundation Awards $300,000 in Impact Grants to Milwaukee Organizations
Packers Foundation Award Ceremony

Press Release - Green Bay Packers

The Green Bay Packers Foundation has awarded $300,000 in impact grants to two Milwaukee organizations: Fellowship Open and Milwaukee Health Care Partnership...


Newly Completed Seven04Place Brings Much Needed Affordable Housing to Walker's Point Neighborhood
Rendering of new hospital

by: Milwaukee Independent

Developed by Impact Seven and Rule Enterprises, Seven04Place was built on an empty lot with a vacant warehouse that has been transformed into a vibrant, new community featuring one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments, including 46 units of affordable housing for working individuals and families...


Want More? Visit the DHHS News Archives
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Archives contain material back to September 2018

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)


The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program supports community development activities to build stronger and more resilient communities. Activities may address needs such as infrastructure, economic development projects, public facilities, community centers, housing rehabilitation, public services, microenterprise assistance, code enforcement, etc. to develop viable urban communities for low- to moderate-income persons. 

HOME provides grants to state and local governments to create affordable housing for low-income households. 

One of the requirements of the federal government for funding from HUD for the CDBG and HOME is the submission of a five-year plan. This plan identifies general areas of need and how these needs may be addressed using the CDBG and HOME funds. In addition to the five-year plan, the County must submit an annual plan which includes the CDBG funded programs for the current year. 

CDBG/HOME Funding Applications

An application process for each funding source is done annually. Applicants interested in applying for funding, please contact: [email protected].

Click here more information regarding HUD Guidelines 

Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER)

Every March the Milwaukee County DHHS Housing Services submits a Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This report must be filed by March 31. (90 days after the end of the County's fiscal year.) The CAPER covers progress during the past program year in carrying out the County's Annual Action Plan and reports on activities and projects funded through the CDBG and HOME Programs. The report also contains a section that discusses housing activities carried out by the County and other organizations.

Visit Us

Milwaukee County Housing office

600 West Walnut Street, Suite 100
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Open in Google Maps

Talk to Us

(414) 278-4894

Jim Mathy 

Housing Services Administrator

[email protected]

Contact [email protected] for Media Inquiries