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Milwaukee County

Election Results

Central Count Municipalities

Milwaukee County has eight municipalities that use a central count facility to process all absentee ballots received. This means that election results for Greendale, Franklin, Milwaukee, Oak Creek, Shorewood, Wauwatosa, West Allis and South Milwaukee will be provided to the public in two different phases.

The initial results will only consist of the totals from ballots cast in-person at polling locations on Election Day and will not include absentee ballot totals.

In each municipality, after the absentee ballots have been completely processed at the central count location, the vote totals from those absentee ballots will be added to the initial result totals received from the polling locations.

The complete results set (at-polls totals and absentee-ballot totals) for each ward will then be posted.

Results for each ward in a municipality that uses central count to process absentee ballots will NOT be considered complete until all absentee totals have been added to the polling place totals.



2024 General Election – Unofficial Results



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Detailed results can be purchased for $.15 per page by contacting the Election Commission Office at (414) 278-4060.

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