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Legislative Services

The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors meetings are live-streamed for public viewing here on the County Legislative Information Center. The Board's calendar of standing committees and ad hoc committees is also available here.

Access Legislative Files, Agendas and Minutes via CLIC

The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors meetings are recorded in the Journal of Proceedings. You can view the Journal of Proceedings, 2012 to the present, at the County Legislative Information Center (CLIC).

Role of the Legislative Services Division

The Legislative Services Division (LSD), Office of the County Clerk, assists Milwaukee County departments in preparing matters for introduction and consideration by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors and following these matters as they progress through the legislative process.  

LSD provides services to the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, County Executive, county departments, and the general public. 

Additionally, LSD: prints and date stamps all required original documents; maintains all legislative files; reviews all reports, resolutions and ordinances, and fiscal notes as to standard form; publishes standing committee agendas in compliance with Wisconsin open meeting laws; staffs all standing committee and county board meetings and records the Journal of Proceedings (minutes); and updates existing ordinances and publishes new ordinances. 

Another responsibility of the Office of the County Clerk is the maintenance of the County Legislative Information Center, which provides online public access to legislative documents, meeting agendas and minutes, archived video, and online live streaming of standing committee and county board meetings.

Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces

In addition to 10 standing committees, the Board of Supervisors occasionally establishes ad hoc committees and task forces to facilitate policy development and implementation. Existing ad hoc committees include: Capital Improvements Committee; Lakefront Development Advisory Committee; and Pension Study Commission. Existing task forces include: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) Task Force and the Milwaukee City-County Joint Taskforce on Climate and Economic Equity.

Sign Up to Speak in a Standing Committee

Sign Up to Speak in an Ad Hoc Committee or Task Force

Information about the Cultural, Artistic and Musical Programming Advisory Council (CAMPAC) can be found on the Parks Department's website.


Janelle M. Jensen, Legislative Services Division Manager(414) 278-4228

Kelsey A. Evans, Committee Coordinator(414) 278-4013

  • Committee on Health Equity, Human Needs, and Strategic Planning
  • Committee on Parks and Culture
  • Cultural, Artistic, and Musical Programming Advisory Council
  • Lakefront Development Advisory Commission

Clarence H. Kinnard, Committee Coordinator(414) 278-4073

  • Committee on Community, Environment, and Economic Development
  • Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
  • Committee on Personnel
  • Pension Study Commission
  • Select Committee on Deferred Compensation

Ethan T. Masarik, Committee Coordinator(414) 278-4251

  • Committee on Audit
  • Committee on Transportation and Transit

Allyson R. Smith, Committee Coordinator(414) 278-4225

  • Committee on Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and General Services
  • Committee on Finance
  • Committee on Finance-Budget
  • American Rescue Plan Act Task Force
  • Capital Improvements Committee

Committee Coordinator Staff

  • Committee of the Whole
  • Annual Budget Process
  • Meetings of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors

Minutes From 2001 to 2011

The actions of the County Board of Supervisors are maintained in official files in the Office of the County Clerk. These files and other public records maintained by the County Clerk are available for review by the public upon request. Copies of all public records are also available for a nominal copying charge. Certified copies of adopted resolutions and ordinances are available for a $5 certification fee plus the copying charge.

A Bit of History

In April 2012, 40 original, handwritten volumes of the Journal of Proceedings of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, dated 1838 thru 1905, were given to the Milwaukee Historical Society for preservation as historical artifacts.

The First Record of the Board - April 1838

"At the first meeting, of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Milwaukee, held at the Court House in said county on the first Monday in April, AD One Thousand Eight hundred and Thirty Eight, the following proceedings were had. Present, John Richards . . . "

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