Our Divisions
The Accounting Division performs the County’s central accounting function including: financial analysis, fiscal reporting and preparation for external audit; all in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, federal and state laws, administrative rules, County Ordinances and grant regulations. In addition, the area prepares the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and the Single Audit report of federal and state awards and provides technical assistance to other departments.
Director of Accounting: Tina Lausier (414) 278-4177 | [email protected]
Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable Division is responsible for establishment of countywide payment procedures, coordination with the Procurement Division, encumbrance of purchases, payment of vendor invoices, development and maintenance of the accounts payable systems and provision of technical assistance to departments.
Accounts Payable Manager: Mary Jablonski (414) 278-4193 | [email protected]
The Audit Services Division is responsible for post auditing the fiscal concerns of Milwaukee County. Not only concerned with examining financial statements, Audit staff also review internal accounting and administrative controls, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, economy and efficiency of operations, and effectiveness in achieving program results. In addition, the Audit Division monitors contracts with vendors of goods and services, reconciles the county's checking accounts, and maintains a hotline service to receive information regarding waste, fraud and abuse of Milwaukee County resources.
Director of Audits: Jennifer Folliard (414) 278-4206 | [email protected]
Contract Compliance: Paul Grant (414) 278-4206 | [email protected]
Capital Finance
The Capital Finance Division of Fiscal Affairs is responsible for preparing and publishing the Capital Improvements Budget. The County's Official Statements relating to debt issuance are issued by this section.
Capital Finance Manager: Pamela Bryant (414) 278-4396 | [email protected]
Financial Services
The Financial Services Section reviews fiscal notes and contracts. This section also conducts year-end fiscal projections throughout the year, a five-year forecast each year, and special studies as needed.
Financial Services Manager: Cynthia (CJ) Pahl (414) 278-4174 | [email protected]
The Payroll Division is responsible for establishment of countywide payroll procedures, coordination with the Department of Human Resources, preparation of payroll checks, maintenance of all earnings and deductions records, ensuring that County payroll practices meet federal, state and contractual requirements, filing of all required federal and state reports on a timely basis, and the development and maintenance of the payroll system. All payroll and time and attendance questions should be directed to the Payroll Department at (414) 278-4178 or [email protected].
Payroll Manager: Sue Drummond (414) 278-4178 | [email protected]
Research and Policy
The Research and Policy Division, pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes § 59.52(32), provides research and analysis, drafts resolutions and ordinances, and provides independent and nonpartisan research services for the County Board of Supervisors and the County Executive upon request.
Director of Research and Policy: Steve Cady (414) 278-4347 | [email protected]