Department of Health and Human Services
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Community Development Block Grant & HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Consolidated Plan

One of the requirements of the federal government for funding from HUD for the CDBG and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) is the submission of a five-year plan. This plan identifies general areas of need and how these needs may be addressed using the CDBG and HOME funds. In addition to the five-year plan, the County must submit an annual plan which includes the CDBG funded programs for the current year.

What Is the Consolidated Plan?

In 2020, the Milwaukee County DHHS Housing Division, along with all other housing authorities nationwide, will submit a five-year Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan to be able to participate in various housing and development programs. As part of this planning process, we need to hear from you. In this space, you will see our progress, your feedback and the results of both combined.

Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER)

Every March the Milwaukee County DHHS Housing Division submits a Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This report must be filed by March 31. (90 days after the end of the County's fiscal year.) The CAPER covers progress during the past program year in carrying out the County's Annual Action Plan and reports on activities and projects funded through the CDBG and HOME Programs. The report also contains a section that discusses housing activities carried out by the County and other organizations.

Our Vision

Together, creating healthy communities.

Our Mission

Empowering safe, healthy, meaningful lives.

Our Values

Partnership, Respect, Integrity, 

Diversity, Excellence

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