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Americans with Disabilities Act

On July 26, 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed into law the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) saying these words: “Let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down.” One of the most important civil rights law to be enacted since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities.

Milwaukee County - ADA

ADA Coordinator

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Report an accessibility issue within Milwaukee County government (e.g., buildings, grounds, employment).

Report Accessibility Issue

  • ADA Enforcement Agencies
  • ADA Resources
  • ADA Checklists
  • ADA Topics Animated (Videos)

Report an Accessibility Issue

If you see or know about a barrier to accessibility with a Milwaukee County government entity (e.g., buildings, grounds, employment), use the following form to report it to the ADA Coordinator's Office. The ADA Coordinator's Office will follow up on this report.

* indicates a required field


1220 W. Vliet St.

Suite 301

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53205

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Together, creating healthy communities.

Our Mission

Empowering safe, healthy, meaningful lives.

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Partnership, Respect, Integrity, 

Diversity, Excellence

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