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Comprehensive Community Services

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Rehabilitation community-based services supporting recovery

To empower and encourage individuals and their supports in the recovery journey with use of team, person centered, holistic services to improve quality of life. Recognizing Individuals Success through Empowerment (RISE). CCS offers a variety of unique rehabilitative services, including peer support, supported employment, nutritionists, and wellness activities such as yoga and meditation. More traditional services such as psychiatry, psychotherapy and medication management are also available. For a full list of services available, please visit our provider directory at

CCS participants are empowered to self-direct their own care and path to recovery.
Individuals can be co-enrolled in Family Care and CCS.
CCS serves any individual with a mental health or substance use diagnosis, regardless of any other condition that they may also have.

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A therapist working with a patient

Youth Comprehensive Community Services (CCS)

An option for families in Milwaukee County that provides support and services to youth and young adults who are coping with a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. As a voluntary community-based program, CCS addresses needs throughout a person’s lifespan, with a coordinated and comprehensive array of recovery, treatment and psychosocial rehabilitation services. 

Adult Comprehensive Community Services

Milwaukee County DHHS BHS offers a voluntary community-based program designed to support adults managing mental health or substance abuse challenges. This program provides a comprehensive array of recovery, treatment, and psychosocial rehabilitation services tailored to individuals across their lifespan.

Coordinated Opportunities for Recovery and Empowerment (CORE)

As a subset of CCS, CORE serves 10- to 23-year-olds who are at high risk of, or who are, experiencing their first episode with psychosis. Services include: care coordination, individual therapy, employment and education support, peer support and medication management.

CCS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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What Is CCS?

Comprehensive Community Services is a Medicaid program offered by Milwaukee County that focuses on helping individuals with mental health and/or substance abuse conditions recover from their illnesses and obtain their personal goals and life vision. The program is available for both children and adults residing in Milwaukee County.

What Can CCS Offer Me?

The CCS program offers a wide range of services and service providers that you have the ability to choose from. It is your right as a CCS participant to be informed of all of the services available to you and to have the opportunity to pick and choose what services and services providers you would like to receive services from. How Long Will It Take Before I Start Receiving Servi

How Long Will It Take Before I Start Receiving Services?

From the date that you sign the initial CCS service application, you have 30 days to complete the enrollment process and start receiving CCS services. How fast the enrollment process occurs is really up to you and how quickly you are willing to work on enrolling. If you have pending obligations that may impact your ability to complete your CCS enrollment in the next 30 days, we ask that you address your obligations first and start the enrollment process at a later date and time that works better for you.

What is a Care Coordinator?

The CCS Care Coordinator (CC) is your primary point of contact after you complete the Intake Process and are found eligible for CCS. Your CC is the member of your Recovery Team who helps you identify your goals, helps you figure out the best ways (via services, providers and natural supports) to accomplish those goals and maintains contact with you in order to be ensure you are happy with your team and progressing toward your ultimate life vision. You have the opportunity to select which agency you would like to receive care coordination services from, as long as that agency has current availability.

My Care Coordination Agency Offers Many of the Services I Want…

If you would like to receive all your services from one agency, it is your right to do so. We just want you to be aware that the CCS Provider Network is large and offers many specialized services outside of what your care coordination agency may have available. When entering the CCS program, we strongly encourage CCS participants to review the CCS Provider Directory so that they are aware of what services and service providers are available to them.

What If I’m Seeing a Therapist Who is Not in the CCS Network?

Unfortunately, if you are receiving psychotherapy services, the CCS program requires that you see a therapist in the CCS network. If you are not sure if your therapist is in the CCS network please ask your CCS intake and/or care coordinator.

How long can I be in CCS?

As long as you have Medicaid, and continue to meet the functional and diagnostic eligibility requirements of CCS, you can continue to participate in the program as long as you would like. Once found eligible the CCS program your care coordinator will re‐evaluate your eligibility on a yearly basis.

What If I Don’t Want to be in CCS anymore?

CCS is a voluntary program. This means you can stop participating at any time. If you are no longer interested in being in the CCS program, all you have to do is let your care coordinator know. It is important for you to be aware that if you don’t inform your care coordinator that you are done participating in CCS services, they have to try contact you for up to 90 days after you stop communicating with them. This may include phone calls, home visits, etc. This is a lot of work for them and may become annoying for you. If you want to leave CCS, it is your decision and we respect that. Please let your care
coordinator know if you no longer want to be in the program.

I Left the CCS Program, but I want to come back in.

As long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements for CCS, you can reapply to participate in the program at any time.


If you meet the following criteria you are eligible to apply:

  1. Do you have Medicaid?
  2. Do you live in Milwaukee County?
  3. Do you have a mental health or substance use disorder?