Milwaukee County seeks vendors qualified to provide comprehensive mental health services to the CRC’s Correctional Staff. The County’s goal is to contract with the most qualified vendor interested in providing mental health services to support Correctional Staff with managing work-related stress, prevent burnout, and promote overall well-being. The County intends to award a three (3) year contract with up to two (2) optional one (1) year renewals to the winning Offeror(s) under this solicitation.
Close Date: March 21st, 2025 @ 5:00 PM CDT.
- Community Reintegration Center
Milwaukee County (“County”) invites responses to this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) from qualified, experienced firms to provide an application for
Transportation Network Company (“TNC”) Vehicle Tracking and Reporting System. Milwaukee County intends to award a 2025 contract with four (4)
optional one (1) year renewal terms to the winning Respondent under this solicitation.
Close Date: March 20th, 2025, @ 4:00 PM CDT
Milwaukee County Parks requests proposals for professional consulting services to complete Habitat Restoration Plan Sets (HRP) (Design) for the Milwaukee River Greenway (MRG) Wildlife Enhancements Area of Concern (AOC) project.
Closing Date: March 17, 2025, @ 5:00 PM
[email protected]
This project includes the construction of a new International Terminal Building that will be attached the main terminal building. Work includes site work, excavation, selective demolition, construction, and fueling system work. Work will be divided up into different Bid Packages
Milwaukee County (“County”) is requesting qualification statements from experienced developers interested in entering into a master lease with the
County to develop business and general aviation land in the northeast portion of the Airport. The County will use this Request for Qualifications to
qualify up to five (5) firms for participation in a subsequent but separate Request for Proposals process to select the final developer.
Submission Due Date: 4:00 PM CST, March 2, 2025
Milwaukee County Zoo (Client or County) is issuing a Request for Qualifications from experienced Caterers (Vendor) to provide catering services for the Zoo’s Group Sales Department Facility Rentals for scheduled corporate, non-profit and private events for the Calendar year of 2026 “Approved Caterer List”.
Closing Date: February 28th, 2025 @ 5:00 PM CST.
RFQ Administrator: Marina Litvinets
[email protected]
The Milwaukee County Office of the Comptroller (“Comptroller”) is seeking proposals for Healthcare Actuarial Services.
Closing Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025 @ 5:00 PM
Administrator: Marina Litvinets
[email protected]
This project is for the replacement of three existing loading bridges in Concourse C (C9, C11, C25), with eleven additional bridges in alternates. The replacements include: the loading bridge itself, PC Air, GPU, and electrical connections.
Contract Description: This project is for the replacement of three existing loading bridges in Concourse C (C9, C11, C25), with eleven additional bridges in alternates. The replacements include: the loading bridge itself, PC Air, GPU, and electrical connections.
Milwaukee County Parks requests proposals for professional ecological restoration services to convert a 58-acre agricultural field to native prairie for the Root River Riparian Habitat Restoration project.
[email protected]
The scope of services encompasses the maintenance, repair, and ongoing support for existing kitchen equipment and any equipment that may be acquired during the contract period. Additionally, the selected contractor will be considered qualified for additional, similarly scoped projects, that may arise over the next five years from the date of selection notification.
Lighting Products for Parks 2025 for Milwaukee County Parks
[email protected]
Closing Date: Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, @ 1:30 PM CST.
DHHS BHS RFP Supported Apartments Program DHHS-POS-BHS-2502
The Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Behavioral Health Services (BHS) invites community agencies, organizations and interested parties to participate in the RFP process by submitting proposals to provide Supported Apartment Program to be tentatively provided from May 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025. The Department welcomes new prospective vendors including joint ventures and other innovative partnerships to participate in this RFP process.
- Administrative Services
- Health & Human Services
Milwaukee County invites responses to this RFP from Suppliers experienced in providing safe and secure transportation of Detainees to Federal, State, and/or local law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. The County’s goal is to provide safe, secure, dignified, respectful,
timely, and reasonably comfortable transportation Services to Detainees between the County’s Correctional Facilities and other locations throughout the State of Wisconsin, including correctional/detention facilities and mental health facilities. The County prefers Suppliers with
experience in the State of Wisconsin and who are capable of performing point-to-point transports (destination point within a facility or location), portal-to-portal transports (destination a sallyport or secure facility receiving location), and medical transports (including standby services during the medical appointment or procedure). Additional preference points are available to Suppliers who contract with Targeted Business Enterprises to provide the Services.
The County intends to award a two (2) year contract with up to two (2) optional two (2) year renewals (total of 6 possible years) to the winning Offeror(s) under this solicitation. Offerors must propose to provide all Services in at least one of the following categories: intra-facility transports;
inter-facility transports; medical transports; and/or scheduling, administration, and logistics.
- Community Reintegration Center
- Sheriff
Milwaukee County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) hereby request your firm’s Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to provide construction management services for Milwaukee County Project No. WH0260012 S. 76th St. (CTH U) South County Line Rd. to W. Creekview Ct. Highway Reconstruction, City of Franklin, Milwaukee County.
Submission Deadline: Friday, February 14, 2025 at 2:00pm CST
Contact: Lauren Justus, Construction Engineer
Email: [email protected]
Business Type
- Construction
- Consulting
- Services
- Administrative Services
- Transportation
Buffalo Turbine Blitz Stand-on Blower (or approved equal) meeting or exceeding attached Specification Requirements.
[email protected]
Closing Date: Friday, February 14, 2025 @ 1:30 PM CST.
Contract Description: Contract 1: Clearing and grubbing of trees, stumps, and roots to a depth of 12 inches below adjacent ground. Mow, brush, grub, clear all vegetation. 23,618 SF (0.54 AC)
Contract Description: Contract 1: Clearing and grubbing of trees, stumps, and roots to a depth of 12 inches below adjacent ground. Mow, brush, grub, clear all vegetation. 9,074 SF (0.21 AC).
Milwaukee County Parks (MCP) is requesting proposals for professional consulting services to complete design and engineering to enhance and expand aquatic and semi-aquatic habitat within the Little Menomonee River Corridor (LMRC) and, in Section 1 design these elements to improve habitat and support healthy, self-sustaining populations of wildlife focal species.
Deadline: February 11, 2025 at@ 5:00 PM CST.
RFP-2024-052-30th Street Corridor Rails with Trails Feasibility Study Project Consultant
Milwaukee County (“County”) invites responses to this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) from qualified and experienced transportation planning consultants to conduct a feasibility analysis for a shared-use trail in Milwaukee’s 30th Street Industrial Corridor. The project corridor is centered on a railroad right of way (ROW) to the west of 30th Street from the Menomonee Valley to Havenwoods State Forest in the City of Milwaukee.
Close Date: February 10th, 2025 @ 4:00 PM CST
Contact Information: Sara Torres,
[email protected]
Miniature Memorial Grave Marker
Bonfire Bid link:
Closing Date: Monday, February 10th, 2025 @ 1:30PM
Commercial Property.
Close Date: February 10th, 2025, @ 2:00 PM CST
Contact Information: Emily Streff,
[email protected]
Contract Description: The work under this contract consists of removing concrete paving, asphaltic surface milling, grading, base aggregate dense, concrete paving, HMA pavement, concrete curb & gutter, guardrail, erosion control, restoration, permanent signing, pavement marking, traffic control, replacing existing cross culverts, and all incidental items necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans and included in the proposal and contract. This project is part of the County Highway Improvement Discretionary (CHID) program
Submission Date: Wednesday February 5, 2025 at 2pm CST
Contact: Andrea Masters, PE [email protected]
- Administrative Services
- Transportation
The Project includes construction services to decouple the existing sewer connection. A new vault will be installed to house 4 stormwater pumps that will connect to an existing manhole located to the south. Project will include all associated plumbing and electrical work to ensure the new system runs properly.
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting proposals for professional consulting services to provide a hazardous material assessment and report for the Courthouse Complex in support of the Investing in Justice Courthouse Complex Planning project.
The Construction Manager for this Project shall:
•Manage and administer the services provided and see that any subconsultants’ services are managed appropriately.
•Consult with the designated County representatives as needed.
•Attend Project meetings, prepare, and distribute exhibits and supporting information for meetings as required, prepare, and distribute agendas and minutes for each meeting.
•Communicate with members of the Project Team
•Prepare and regularly update the Project schedule that will include milestones for decisions to be made by Milwaukee County, work by the Construction Manager, and level of completion.
•Issue written progress reports on a regular basis (monthly), provide status updates on scope, schedule, budget, and deliverables, and identify additional input needed from Milwaukee County
•Coordinate the work of their team including any subconsultant(s)
•Coordinate their work with those services provided by Milwaukee County and Milwaukee County’s consultants.
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting proposals for consulting services for the Operation and Maintenance of the Doyne Park Landfill Gas Control Systems.
Contract Description: Work of the Project includes removal and regulated disposal of all proposed excavated and tree materials associated with the King Park Berm on the northwest side of the park in accordance with the plans, specifications, and permit requirements.
Contract Description:
Construct a left turn lane and driveway on East College Avenue, County Trunk Highway (CTH ZZ) located 250 feet west of the Union Pacific railroad tracks in the City of Oak Creek, for the benefit of the Wisconsin Air National Guard 128th Air Refueling Wing (128th ARW). The work under this contract shall consist of removing pavement, grading, aggregate base, concrete pavement, concrete driveway, concrete curb and gutter, relocating existing light pole, and all incidental items necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans and included in the proposal and contract.
Submission Date: November 1, 2024 at 2pm CST
Contact: Marc Hilliard, PE [email protected]
- Administrative Services
- Transportation
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services (DAS) are requesting proposals for activation consulting services for the following Milwaukee County Projects:
Milwaukee County Medical Examiner and Office of Emergency Management Facility
Secured Residential Care Center for Children and Youth (SRCCCY)
New DHHS / Coggs Admin Building
Work includes reconstructing boat launch, dredging, and disposal of excess material and debris next to the boat launch. Work includes 8” thick reinforced cast-in-place concrete with textured “v” grooves and 8" thick pre-cast (on-site or off-site) reinforced and textured "v" grooves concrete panels as prescribed in the plans. Other work includes dredging sediment (sand) and disposal offsite.
This project includes pavement rehabilitation of the south ramp taxi lane at Milwaukee County’s General Mitchell International Airport (MKE). Included in this contract is substantial grading, concrete paving, construction of sewer and underdrains, asphalt, landscaping, pavement marking, and airfield electrical changes.
Work of the Project includes removal and regulated disposal of all proposed excavated and tree materials associated with the King Park Berm on northwest side of the park in accordance with the plans, specifications, and permit requirements.
Demo and/or abandon any existing baseball lighting systems/facilities and install eight (8) new light poles and fixtures as specified. Coordinate with We Energies and install new electrical as required.
Miscellaneous building improvements including, but not limited to windows and glazing, exterior door replacements, bumping out exterior walls and any related interior finishes, exterior restoration and painting, concrete work, asphalt paving work, landscaping, and metal panel façade installation
Remove and dispose of old, existing poles in coordination with the City of Milwaukee. Coordinate permitting and the marking of existing utilities with the appropriate agencies. Install new light poles, fixtures, and control cabinets along select paths in accordance with the plans and specs.
Work consists of construction of beach improvements. This includes demo of the existing beach, revetment construction, beach construction, breakwater construction, concrete pavement, grading, stormwater infrastructure, green infrastructure, and other items as indicated in the project bid documents.
This project includes the rehabilitation of the facade of the air traffic control tower Timmerman Airport. Work includes metal panel removal and replacement, window replacement, curtain wall replacement, masonry repair, canopy repair.
The project consists of a 27,000 S/F two-story addition, 1,800 S/F added outdoor recreation space, and 8,800 s/f of renovation to the Vel R. Phillips Youth and Family Justice Center that will be referred to as the Secure Residential Care Center for Children and Youth (SRCCCY). The two-story addition will add a Welcome Center, Administration, Admissions & Release, Security & control, Health Center & Behavioral, Visitation, Food Services, Interior and Exterior Recreation, Education, Housing, and Secured Perimeter to the campus. The Renovation work is to existing MCAP pods and infrastructure. The vision for Milwaukee County SRCCCY is to Establish a safe, positive, sustainable, and developmentally appropriate treatment environment for youth committed to the county that effectively promotes accountability, protects the community, reduces recidivism, and returns youth to our community with the skills needed to become successful and productive citizens
Plumbing, Electrical, and Exterior Improvements to the existing Elephant Yard at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Improvements include: automation and winterization of the existing outdoor pool filling and draining systems, new yard irrigation system, and reconfiguration of service fencing.
This phase of the Hillview Building Rennovation, focuses on Full Roof Replacement. Hillview Building is located at 1615 S. 22nd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204.
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services, Facilities Management Division (DAS-FMD), is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to develop an Energy System Plan (ESP) for the Milwaukee County Courthouse Complex (CHC) in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This plan will be used to optimize energy systems in existing CHC facilities as well as at the new Milwaukee County Justice Center, which will replace the Milwaukee County Public Safety Building.
This project includes the construction of a 23,500 sf practice putting green built with 8” of rootzone mix over a 2” drainage system, along with fairway surrounds, a 1,560 sf practice bunker, and 5,300 sf asphalt cart path with concrete curbing. The project work area is 1.66 acres and will be restored with seed and sod. An “alternate bid” has been included for the laser leveling and re-sodding of the adjacent range tee area (35,000 sf).
The design consultant’s scope of service will include:
- Leading process improvement efforts to address current areas for improvement in the Milwaukee County judicial process
- Review of previous facility planning reports and conceptual design work Site selection for the new facilities
- Preparation of a facility master plan for facilities to replace the Public Safety Building, the Historic Courthouse, and those
portions of the Criminal Justice Facility that will be directly impacted by the development of the new facilities
- Programming through conceptual design for the facilities to replace the Public Safety Building and for renovations to the
Historic Courthouse and Criminal Justice Facility
- Incorporation of sustainable energy systems into the project based on design strategies developed by the selected design
firm and the project’s energy systems consultant
The Milwaukee County Zoo in partnership with Gilbane Building Company will be renovating and expanding the existing Humboldt Penguin Exhibit located at the main entrance of the Zoo. This project will consist of a pool expansion from the existing 10,000 gallons increasing in size to 30,000 gallons (approx.). Included in this expansion is full 100% replacement/upgrade of Life Support System for increased water circulation/purification, increased visitor themed viewing experience (large viewing window) and the incorporation of shade structures for life betterment of the penguins.
The Milwaukee County Zoo in partnership with Gilbane Building Company will be renovating and expanding the existing Humboldt Penguin Exhibit located at the main entrance of the Zoo. This project will consist of a pool expansion from the existing 10,000 gallons increasing in size to 30,000 gallons (approx.). Included in this expansion is full 100% replacement/upgrade of Life Support System for increased water circulation/purification, increased visitor themed viewing experience (large viewing window) and the incorporation of shade structures for life betterment of the penguins.
Renovation and expansion of 50,000sf in the existing 1950's Pachyderm Complex located at the heart of the Adventure Africa experience. This project will consist of a full renovation of 10 holding stalls while combining the two separate buildings with a new enclosed viewing barn featuring flexible interior/exterior yard space to shift rhinos, hippos and hoofstock.
Contract Description: RE-BID - Bids are being solicited for “Bid Package 3 – Site & Parking Lots” and are expected to contain the following scopes of work:
· Site Utilities
· Site Concrete
· Solar Canopys
This project includes the demolition of the existing Concourse E and MKE Airport and the construction of a new International Terminal Building that will be attached the main terminal building. Work includes site work, excavation, demolition, construction, fueling system work, and installation of passenger boarding bridges. Work will be divided up into four different Bid Packages.
Courthouse Limestone Façade Repair – Phase 3 encompasses the following work:
• East Elevation, complete façade repairs as shown on sheets A202-A204 and as designated during inspections by consultant/owner.
• (Low) East Entrances, rebuild/replace stone at East building Entrances. Refer to sheets A203 and A301.
• South Elevation, Complete façade repairs as shown on sheet A205 and as designated during inspections by consultant/owner. Replace built-in copper gutter at sixth-floor cornice.
• East and South Elevation Cleaning - Clean East and South Elevations 100% below fourth floor water table.
• 100% Façade Cleaning - Clean 100% of the Limestone Facades at all Elevations.
Milwaukee County will be converting existing Asphalt Roadways within the Lincoln Creek Parkway (from N.23rd Street to N.27th Street) and Little Menomonee River Parkway (From Appleton Avenue to Leon Terrace) to a pedestrian pathway/trail. Existing asphalt and concrete pavement, concrete curb and gutter, will be removed and replaced with a 10-foot-wide asphalt path with gravel shoulders. Proposed storm sewer culverts, structures, and piping will be installed at low points. Existing storm structures will remain with minor adjustments. Landscaping trees, turf grass restoration, bollards, stone barriers, pedestrian, and bicycle trail signage will be installed as part of the project. Traffic control will be required at project locations.
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services – Facilities Management Division intends to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) for architectural planning and design services for replacement of the Public Safety Building. The RFP is anticipated to be released in mid-June 2024, and proposals are anticipated to be due mid-July 2024.
Milwaukee County invite consultants to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to provide professional design engineering services for various roadway projects in Milwaukee County, scheduled for 2027-2029 construction.
Submission Deadline: June 28, 2024 at 2:00pm CST
Contact: Andrea Weddle-Henning, Director Transportation Engineering
Email: [email protected]
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services (DAS) and the Milwaukee County Zoo are requesting proposals for the planning and design of the Zoo's front entrance reconfiguration. The Milwaukee County Zoo’s current entrance configuration simultaneously issues both parking and admission tickets upon arrival when first entering the campus of Bluemound Road. The Zoo would like to maintain issuing both parking and admission tickets, however the intention is to optimize the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, ultimately ushering patrons in and out of the Zoo more
efficiently, safely, and effectively. The reconfiguration will focus on three major areas: Visitor entry and exit into and out of the parking lot, Parking and admission ticketing processes, Staff workspace and facilities.
Site Demo / Earthwork, Site Utilities, Asphalt Paving, Site Concrete, Fences & Gates, Landscaping, Electrical, Low Voltage, Security, Photovoltaic Solar Panels, and Solar Canopy.
Automation of Winterization of the existing Elephant outdoor pool and associated plumbing systems. Irrigation to be installed throughout the Elephant Yard. Work also includes reconfiguring existing service fencing.
Replacement of a sanitary lift station and force main at the Oak Creek Warming Building located on Mill Pond.
Replacement of the existing alarm and sprinkler systems.
The project consists of a 27,000 S/F two-story addition, 1,800 S/F added outdoor recreation space, and 8,800 s/f of renovation to the Vel R. Phillips Youth and Family Justice Center that will be referred to as the Secure Residential Care Center for Children and Youth (SRCCCY). The two-story addition will add a Welcome Center, Administration, Admissions & Release, Security & control, Health Center & Behavioral, Visitation, Food Services, Interior and Exterior Recreation, Education, Housing, and Secured Perimeter to the campus. The Renovation work is to existing MCAP pods and infrastructure. The completed facility is expected to house up to (50) youth. The vision for Milwaukee County SRCCCY is to Establish a safe, positive, sustainable, and developmentally appropriate treatment environment for youth committed to the county that effectively promotes accountability, protects the community, reduces recidivism, and returns youth to our community with the skills needed to become successful and productive citizens.
Milwaukee County is requesting basic architectural services to support a handful of urgent repairs at the property. The Hillview Buildings current use includes a food pantry and miscellaneous office on level one, transitional housing on level 2, and vacant transitional housing on level 3. Milwaukee County intends to maintain similar uses with some improvements. We are hoping you can support a simple and expedited process to complete bid documents for the following tasks and ensure the repairs are compliant with current industry standards and current building codes.
Renovation and expansion of 50,000 SF in the existing 1950's Pachyderm Complex located at the heart of the Adventure Africa experience. This project will consist of a full renovation of 10 holdings stalls while combining the two separate buildings with a new enclosed viewing barn featuring flexible interior/exterior yard space to shift rhinos, hippos and hoofstock.
Clinton Rose façade needs repair. This includes vertical cracking, deteriorated sealant, damaged brick, step cracking around brick veneer, and damaged mortar at louvre windowsills.
Scope of work includes a full roof replacement of the King Community Center.
Replacement of approximately 11,070 Square Feet of the Administration Building Roof. Bidding document distribution will be online in Bid Express internet Bidding System at:
Whitnall Park Pump Station project proposes to furnish and install a new pump station to service the Whitnall Park Golf Course Irrigation System.
WA0295 (Expansion Joint Replacement), WA0411 (Traffic Bearing Membrane/Sealer), WA0432 (Post Tensioned Anchorages)
Milwaukee County Medical Examiner and Office of Emergency Management
Construction of offices, labs and operations center on the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center campus by CD Smith construction.
33 bid scopes including construction and equipment (see advertisement for list). Plans Available at
Washington Park Senior Center Kitchen’s equipment has exceeded its useful life. This project will consist of a renovation of the kitchen facility
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services, Facilities Management Division (Owner) is requesting proposals for professional services to support the execution of capital project WC027601 to replace the existing Public Safety Building with a new Justice Center. This request is for Project Manager/Owner’s Representative (PM/OR) services.
Replacement of South and North Bridges in Washington Park:
This project includes grading, lighting, landscaping, and asphalt shared-use path. Bidding document distribution will be online in Bid Express internet Bidding System at
Enhance energy efficiency and attractiveness of the King Community Center by creating an investment in repairing the building exterior to include:
1.) Facade enhancements
2.) Roof replacement
3.) Window and door replacement
4.) Address other deferred maintenance and insulation
Milwaukee County is requesting qualification statements for professional consulting services related to project management and engineering services for the Passenger Loading Bridges at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport (MKE).
This project is for the replacement of three existing loading bridges in Concourse D (D41, D43, D46). The replacements include: the loading bridge itself, PC Air, GPU, and electrical connections.
This project includes pavement rehabilitation or pavement removals on multiple taxiways at Milwaukee County’s General Mitchell International Airport (MKE). Included in this contract is substantial grading, construction of underdrains, asphalt, landscaping, pavement marking, and airfield electrical changes.
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting proposals for Project Number 5704-23960, Milwaukee County Community Reintegration Center Facility Master Plan. These proposals are to select a qualified consultant to preparation a facility master plan for facilities at the Milwaukee County Community Reintegration Center (CRC). The intent of the CRC Facility Master Plan is to prioritize existing deferred and planned maintenance requirements, incorporating anticipated changes to programming requirements and associated capital projects, while recognizing the limited County financial resources. The final product will be a defendable capital program which will be used to advocate for capital funding in the annual Milwaukee County capital budget process
Contract Description: Breakwater Construction; 575 Linear Feet of Stone Revetment, and 37,100 SF (0.85 AC) of fill material (stone) placed into Lake Michigan to maintain a revetment for the purpose of erosion control at the North Point Parking Lot next to Bradford Beach.
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting a proposal to provide professional engineering services for planning and design for the Courthouse Elevator Modernization Project located at 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233.
The Milwaukee County Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture and Department of Administrative Services are requesting proposals to provide professional engineering services to develop a strategic plan including conceptual and preliminary designs, cost estimates and pre-design engineering services to address bluff erosion along the shore of Lake Michigan.
The Milwaukee County Zoo in partnership with Gilbane Building Company will be renovating and expanding the existing Humboldt Penguin Exhibit located at the main entrance of the Zoo. This project will consist of a pool expansion from the existing 10,000 gallons increasing in size to 30,000 gallons (approx.). Included in this expansion is full 100% replacement/upgrade of Life Support System for increased water circulation/purification, increased visitor themed viewing experience (large viewing windows) and the incorporation of shade structures for life betterment of the penguins.
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting a proposal to provide professional services for the commissioning of a new Secure Residential Care Center for Children and Youth (SRCCCY), located at 10201 W. Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226.
Work of the project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, re-grading, and providing new asphalt pavement, provide new concrete curb and gutter, remove and provide concrete sidewalk and curb ramps, and replace storm sewer covers indicated in the project bid documents.
Milwaukee County is looking for qualified consultants within various areas of expertise to complete professional services tasks under $50,000 per project (up to $100,000 with Milwaukee County Board Approval). Many of these projects are high priority requiring rapid response. There is no guarantee that your firm will receive any work nor is there any intention of exclusivity.
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting qualifications for professional consulting services to manage the planning, design, bidding, and construction
administration for upcoming Milwaukee County site MEP projects at Milwaukee County.
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting qualifications for professional consulting services to manage the planning, design, bidding, and construction administration for upcoming architectural projects at Milwaukee County.
This project includes the installation of cart paths at Dretzka Golf Course.
Contract Description: Traffic signal improvements on W Silver Spring Drive (CTH E) including the installation of vehicle to infrastructure communications equipment, improved detection for sensing traffic, and 4-section flashing arrow signal heads on existing signal poles.
This project is Federally Funded. This project is part of the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program.
Submission Date: November 15, 2023 at 2pm CST
Contact: Daniel Murphy, PE [email protected]
- Administrative Services
- Transportation
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting a proposal to provide professional engineering services for the planning and design for the Fire Protection System Upgrades for Senior Centers.
Work of the Project includes replacement of irrigation system. This project will result in the procurement of all materials and installation of a new irrigation system in accordance with the plans and specifications for Noyes Park Golf Course project. The irrigation request will replace obsolete irrigation infrastructure with modern, efficient infrastructure.
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting proposals for professional consulting services to replace inefficient and aging lighting throughout the park system.
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting proposals to provide various County-Wide Time and Material services as follows: Painting, Concrete Restoration, Tennis Court Repair, Carpet & Flooring, Metal Fabrication, Standard Landscaping, and Native Plants Landscaping
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting proposals for professional consulting design services for the House of Corrections 2 Chiller Replacement HVAC System.
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting qualifications for professional consulting services to manage the planning, design, bidding, and construction
administration for upcoming Milwaukee County site civil projects at Milwaukee County.
Bids are being solicited for General Contractors. The Renovation will contain the following scopes of work in 3 locations. Metal studs and drywall, Rough carpentry, Architectural millwork,
Firestopping, Acoustical tile ceilings, Tile flooring, Interior painting, Fire suppression, HVAC, Electrical
Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services, Facilities Management Division (DAS-FMD) is requesting proposals for professional consulting services for the design of the War Memorial Center (WMC)/Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) Lower-Level Restrooms project. This service is being requested to relocate restrooms to the lower level of the WMC and repurpose the existing bathrooms as a locker room and storage space. The Consultant will need to provide the necessary architectural and engineering services to design the project in accordance with all local codes and ADA requirements.
Work of the project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, re-grading, and providing new asphalt pavement, remove and replace existing chain-link fence, remove tennis equipment and replace with pickleball equipment, provide a concrete bike rack, provide turf restoration and tree planting as indicated in the project bid documents.
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting a proposal to provide professional engineering services for the planning and design for the security system upgrade for Senior Centers.
Bids are being solicited for General Contractors. The renovation will contain the following scopes of work: Metal studs and drywall, Rough carpentry, Architectural millwork, Firestopping, Acoustical tile ceilings, Tile flooring and tile carpeting, Interior painting, Interior glazing, Fire suppression, HVAC, Electrical.
The Milwaukee County Parks Department is requesting the proposal for the planning and design of the Whitnall Park Golf Clubhouse HVAC Replacement - Kitchen Remodel. The goal is to retain a consultant to design replacement of HVAC system for Kitchen and Dining area along with ADA compliance requirements requiring Kitchen modifications along with addition of access ramps and a new ADA accessible bathroom. With respect to sustainability, the design and specification for the new HVAC equipment will incorporate the latest Standards and Guidelines currently offered by ASHRAE that include the latest energy efficiency and sustainability provisions. The proposal is for professional consulting services to provide full design and engineering services for the Whitnall Park Golf Clubhouse. Professional consulting services shall include documentation of existing conditions, programming, site planning, schematic design, design development, assisting the construction administrator with cost estimates, construction documents, permitting, bidding, and construction administration. Milwaukee County seeks to improve select interior and exterior building components associated with the Whitnall Park Golf Clubhouse to achieve greater energy efficiency of the building, address known defects, as well as improve and update the facility for ADA compliance purposes. The County will require that such strategies be explored in the design phase of this project.
Replacement/installation of kitchen equipment and tray systems at the Criminal Justice Facility (CJF), Juvenile Justice Center (JJC), and Community Reintegration Center (CRC). Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and service necessary for the installation of food service equipment including the requirements of mechanical, electrical and plumbing scope in strict accordance with the Contract Documents and local codes that is reasonably inferred. See project specifications for more details. Bidding document distribution will be online in Bid Express Internet Bidding System at
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services (DAS) are requesting proposals from qualified firms to manage the planning and design for the FDL Bus Storage and Garage HVAC Upgrades project. The scope of work includes an initial assessment of the existing conditions of the HVAC systems at each of the building outlined in the advertisement. Once an assessment has been completed, the consultant shall plan and design for the upgrades outlines in the assessment and provide a construction estimate based on the final construction documents. Bidding Services and construction oversight are not included in this scope of this request for qualification/proposal.
The Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services is requesting a proposal to provide ongoing maintenance of various elevators within County facilities (Scope 1) and modernization of four elevators at CJF (Scope 2).