Department of Administrative Services
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Architecture and Engineering

Professional and technical services for preserving and enhancing Milwaukee County's infrastructure and natural resources.

IMSD Information Management Services

Provide high quality, cost-effective services to help user agencies improve services to their constituents with efficient, innovative, and responsive tools.

Central Business Office

We ensure the accuracy of all financial activity throughout the County.

Office of Economic Inclusion

The Office of Economic Inclusion designs, implements, monitors and enforces Milwaukee County's targeted, small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) programs. Small businesses can purchase insurance and advance their chances of working with Milwaukee County through a partnership with Aon and Coverwallet. Learn more about this partnership on the Office of Economic Inclusion's page.

Economic Development

Economic Development provides high–quality, efficient, and responsive services to enhance economic opportunity and quality of life for all people in the County.


We purchase or contract for supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services needed by County departments, agencies and institutions.

Environmental Services

Providing technical and managerial services on environmental and sustainability issues for Milwaukee County’s building, infrastructure, and natural resources.

Risk Management

The Risk Management team oversees all lines of liability claim administration, self-insurance functions, excess insurance procurement, and more.

Facilities Management

Ensuring that Milwaukee County facilities and infrastructure are clean, safe, accessible, and meet the needs of tenants, employees, and the general public.


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)

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