Department of Administrative Services
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Purchase or Contract for Supplies, Materials, Equipment and Services

Who We Are

We purchase or contract for supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services needed by county departments, agencies and institutions. This does not include public works programs, repairs or alterations to buildings, structures, or leases of county-owned real estate and appurtenances. These are administered by the Department of Public Works.

The Procurement Division is also authorized to develop standards, prepare specifications, sign and issue contracts and purchase orders, process requests for proposals, and assist the Department of Public Works in the sale of surplus or obsolete supplies, materials or equipment. Additionally, the Procurement Division provides Disadvantaged Business Enterprises an opportunity to participate in Milwaukee County's procurement process pursuant to ordinances and annual goals established by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors.

[email protected]

Do Business With Milwaukee County

The Milwaukee County Procurement division is constantly looking for suppliers of the varied goods and services.

What do we purchase? Almost everything. County government business consumes large amounts of goods and services that the Procurement Division is tasked to procure. The Department generally creates bids for most items, and in the case of repetitively purchased items, establishes longer term agreements.

We invite you to participate in our fair and open bidding process for the goods and services.

View Opportunities


Milwaukee County uses DocuSign, an electronic signature and digital transaction management service, to collect signatures on all county contracts. DocuSign is secure and efficient. Our vendors and other partner organizations can use a signer version of the tool for free!

Instructions for using DocuSign to sign a contract can be found on the vendor information document.

DocuSign Information & Training


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)

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