Department of Administrative Services
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Risk Management

Claims Administration, Safety and Loss Prevention, Insurance Procurement, and Contractual Risk Transfer

Picture of a dice that reads Risk

Risk Management is part of Milwaukee County's Department of Administrative Services. The Risk Management team oversees all lines of liability claim administration, self-insurance functions, excess insurance procurement, safety and loss prevention and ensures proper risk transfer techniques for all the county's contractual obligations.

Milwaukee County Risk Management

633 W. Wisconsin Ave, #750
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Fax: (414) 223-1863

Director of Risk Management
Adam Abelson, J.D.
Email: [email protected]

Loss Control Manager
Tony Gatton
Email: [email protected]

Claims Program Manager
Ned Markovic
Email: [email protected]

Subrogation Specialist
Cate Soccodato
Email: [email protected]

Safety Program Manager - DOT (MCDOT, Highway Maintenance, & Fleet)
Ken Kuehn 
Email: [email protected]

Safety Specialist (Mitchell International Airport)
Rob Horton
Email: [email protected]

Safety Specialist (Milwaukee County Parks)
Tyne Schallhorn
Email: [email protected]

Safety Specialist (Milwaukee County Zoo)
Tim Haberli
Email: [email protected]

Get a Certificate of Insurance

File a Claim

Open record requests specific to Risk Management should be submitted in writing to the department.


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)

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