Land Conservation
We also serve as the Land Conservation Department. Our primary functions are to develop and implement the Milwaukee County Land and Water Resource Management Plan and administer grants to landowners to help reduce soil erosion, manage nutrients, and minimize pollution of surface and groundwater.
Sanitary Sewer CMOM Program
What Is CMOM?
The general purpose of Milwaukee County's Capacity, Management, Operation and Maintenance (CMOM) program is to assist in reducing sanitary sewer overflows.
How the CMOM Program Came About
When combined sewer overflows and sanitary sewer overflows occur, they present important concerns for public health and the environment. The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) has been working to reduce the amount of overflows that occur for decades. In 2002, MMSD was required to implement an ongoing CMOM program as a part of a stipulation agreement with the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources. Part of MMSD’s CMOM plan is to open and maintain dialog with the 29 satellite municipalities in developing their own individual CMOM programs. Milwaukee County is one of those municipalities that are required to maintain a CMOM program.
Milwaukee County’s Sanitary Sewer System
Milwaukee County is unique in that, unlike other municipalities, its sewers are spread out throughout the entire County. Milwaukee County has sanitary sewers in the following locations: County Parks, Airports, Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) facilities, County Grounds, Milwaukee County Zoo, and the County Correctional Facility South. In total, Milwaukee County has approximately 1,000 sanitary sewer manholes and 225,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer.
Milwaukee County’s CMOM Program
Milwaukee County started its CMOM program in 2007. It consists of a written plan directed at reducing sanitary sewer overflows through stated goals and objectives, and it also lists the strategies and tactics that will be employed to achieve the goals. An important part of the CMOM is the Overflow Response Plan, which lists the correct actions to take if a sanitary sewer overflow or SSO occurs.
Milwaukee County’s CMOM Reports
Fats, Oils and Grease (F.O.G.) Flyers (English and Spanish)
MMSD's CMOM Program Information
Contact CMOM
[email protected]