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Office of Economic Inclusion

Increasing Economic Viability of Targeted, Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

Picture of an artists drawing of the new Milwaukee Bucks arena

Office of Economic Inclusion

Milwaukee County’s Office of Economic Inclusion (OEI) is a partner to minority, women, and small businesses. To ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Targeted Business Enterprise (TBE) firms are afforded a level playing field in participating on all Milwaukee County procurement contracts, OEI provides information on potential contracts for most business sectors as well as identifying procurement opportunities within Milwaukee County. OEI adovactes for DBE/TBE participation in as many county contracts as possible and strives to improve opportunities for equitiable contracting.



Need Small Business Insurance? Milwaukee County and the Office of Economic Inclusion Introduces Commercial Insurance for Small Businesses! As a result of Milwaukee County’s relationship with CoverWallet, the Office of Economic Inclusion is proud to introduce a digital operating model that will allow area businesses to get advice, purchase competitively priced coverage, and manage their insurance conveniently, online in minutes. Learn more about this opportunity here.  


For returning DBE, ACDBE, and TBE firms, review the final rule changes. *A comprehensive guide to all federal changes will be listed on this site by the end of Fall 2024.



On average Milwaukee County procures over $120 million per year in services, goods and infrastructure projects.

To ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Targeted Business Enterprise (TBE) firms are afforded a level playing field in participating on all Milwaukee County procurement contracts, the Office of Economic Inclusion develops goals, monitors contract payments and enforces Milwaukee County ordinances. The Office of Economic Inclusion reviews contracts and monitors all payments to its prime contractors through all subcontracting tiers on all Milwaukee County contracts using B2GNow.   

All prime and subcontract payment reporting is required to be done using B2GNow.

Resources, Forms and Links

Do Business With the County

For ACDBE/DBE/SBE Certification, TBE and Construction Prime Contractor Vendor Registration, Compliance Information and Reporting of Payments on Milwaukee County Contracts

Access B2GNow

Click here for out-of-state DBE certified firms seeking DBE certification in Wisconsin.

Office of Economic Inclusion Dashboard


U.S. DOT DBE, ACDBE and SBE Certification Programs

The Office of Economic Inclusion is a member of the Wisconsin Unified Certification Program (WisUCP), which is comprised of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, City of Madison and Dane County. If a business is certified as a DBE with any of the four WisUCP certifying member organizations, the business is registered with all four agencies, and eligible to apply for interstate U.S. DOT UCP certification nationwide.

We are the DBE and Airport Concession Disadvantage Business Enterprise (ACDBE) and SBE certifying body for Milwaukee County. The combined gross revenue for DBE and ACDBE firms was $35 million in 2016, and is projected to increase at an annual rate of 1.5 percent, to $177 million in 2020. DBE/ACDBE participation is required on contracts funded by the U.S. DOT, FTA or FAA. Milwaukee County has set DBE and ACDBE goals for all U.S. DOT-funded projects. Learn more.

To qualify as a DBE, ACDBE or SBE you must meet the following criteria as definied in 49 CFR:

  • Be a for-profit business
  • Be socially or economically disadvantage
  • Be a minority- or women-business having a minimum of 51% ownership
  • Have control over business decisions
  • Be a small-business enterprise according to SBA small business standards
  • Have a personal net worth under $1.32 million

If your company meets this criteria, start the certification process using Business To Government Now (B2GNow).

Milwaukee County only accepts certification applications through B2G Now.

Use B2G Now for compliance, reporting payments, certification and registration management.

Targeted Business Enterprise (TBE) Registration Program

For projects that are not funded by U.S. DOT, FTA or FAA, Milwaukee County has a TBE program. The TBE program widens the pool of potential minority, women and small business enterprises to contract services with. A definition of a TBE is any company that is certified as a DBE under WisUCP, or certified as a minority- or women-owned business with the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration or registered as a small business in the SBA SAM registry.

Milwaukee County has an average TBE participation goal of 21%.

To Qualify as a TBE With Milwaukee County

A TBE business is a for profit entity as a DBE, minority, women or small business and must be certified or registered with at least one of the following:

Our Mission

The mission of the Office of Economic Inclusion is to increase the overall economic viability of small and disadvantaged businesses throughout Milwaukee County and the region.

To accomplish this mission, our staff is dedicated to:

  • Establishing participation goals, where appropriate, to assist DBE firms in contracting with Milwaukee County as a prime or subcontractor, consultant or vendor
  • Certifying firms qualified to participate in the DBE program
  • Monitoring and enforcing compliance of contracts with project specifications and Milwaukee County Ordinances
  • Promoting business opportunities and capacity building measures to small businesses

Contact Us


Lamont Robinson (414) 278-4749

Office of Economic Inclusion Team

Jenine Eilers - Contract Compliance Manager (414) 278-4715
Marina Borges - Compliance Analyst (414) 278-4728
Shirlean Clayton - Certification Manager (414) 278-4613


Milwaukee County
633 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 902
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 278-4747 Office
(414) 223-1958 Fax

General Email Inquiries

Certification Questions?


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)

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