Milwaukee County’s goal is to enrich your life by providing essential services that meet your needs and those of your family, neighbors, co-workers and friends.
We enhance the quality of life in Milwaukee County through great public service.
Milwaukee County is home to over 950,000 people living in one of 19 communities, which range in size from the City of Milwaukee, with 595,000 residents, to the Village of River Hills, with roughly 1,600 residents.
Still a manufacturing stronghold, the region features 16 Fortune 1000 companies and thousands of others in the financial services, medical device, hospitality and retailing industries.
Find information about things to do and happenings in Milwaukee County.
One of the major barriers for a small-business owner is gaining the required coverages to capitalize on these ever-growing opportunities and grow their business. As a result of Milwaukee County’s relationship with CoverWallet, an Aon Company, a leading digital insurance broker dedicated to pioneering solutions that help small and medium-sized entities, The Office of Economic Inclusion is proud to introduce a new powerful technology, and digital operating model that will allow area businesses to get advice, purchase competitively priced coverage, and manage their insurance conveniently, online in minutes.
The application and more information is available here. This partnership is designed to support Milwaukee County small businesses and qualify for procurement opportunities to compete and win jobs.
All program guidelines fall within Milwaukee County Ordinances and programs, Wisconsin Statutes and the Code of Federal Regulations. Milwaukee County's Office of Economic Inclusion works within the statutory authority of:
Chapter 42 - Target Business Enterprise Participation in County Contracting
Chapter 32 - Department of Administration
Chapter 56 - Administrative Code for Milwaukee County
WisUCP and Certified Directory of DBE, SBE and ACDBE vendors
49 CFR Part 26 - Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs
49 CFR Part 23 - Participation of Disadvantage Business in Airport Concessions
13 CFR Part 121 - Small Business Size Regulations
WI Statute 84.072 - Unified Disadvantaged Business Certification Program
Milwaukee County strives to meet a Targeted Business Enterprise goal across all county services of 25% for construction related activities and 17% for all other procurement and professional service activities. Milwaukee County reviews RFP's and past history data as well as looking at departmental activities and achievement history to determine the appropriate goals using the US DOT recommendations for determining availability by NAICS code and utilizing US Census and other available data.
Milwaukee County General Mitchell International Airport has budgeted FAA-assisted contracts for FFY2017-2019 totaling $23,029,500. The overall DBE goal is 19.3%, 7.7% will be race-neutral and 11.6% race-conscious.
The County has set the following preliminary goals for DBE participation on these contracts by sector:
Report to FAA 2017-2019 Goals
Public Hearing Presentation
Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) has budgeted FTA-assisted contracts for FFY2018-2020 totalling $8,933,945. The overall DBE goal is 20.49%, 11.40% will be race-conscious and 9.09% will be race-neutral.
Report to FTA 2018-2020 Final Approved Goals
As of October 1, 2017, Milwaukee County's current ACDBE non-car rental goal is 12% and car rental goal is 3% pending finalization of the goal setting process and review by the FAA.
Completed by the Project Manager prior to issuing an RFP and submit to: [email protected] for review: TBE-12 Recommendation 2-1-2018.pdf
Completed by the Contractor and submitted with the bid: TBE-14 Committment June 2018.docx
Completed by the Contractor and submitted with the bid: DBE-14 Committment 07252018.docx
Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 N. 9th St., Room 308 Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)