Department of Administrative Services
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Central Business Office

Accounting, Budgeting and Analytical Services

Who We Are

The Central Business Office provides Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services and operating departments with a full suite of accounting, budgeting and analytical services. We focus on ensuring accounting activities are performed in accordance with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, policies and generally accepted accounting principles, which allows our customer departments to focus on their core mission and business responsibilities.

The Central Business Office consists of trained and experienced accountants. Services primarily consist of general accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, accounts payable and accounts receivable services. Our customer departments are assigned a primary accountant and an associate accountant. The office is managed by highly trained managers who oversee the activities and provide training, support and higher level of analyses, as necessary. The office provides the ability for backup support, cross-training, succession planning and development opportunities.

Our Goals

Ensure financial sustainability and well-managed risk by continuing to mature from undefined processes to measured and controlled process and into a model government business office.

Increase customer satisfaction through better communications and implementation of best practices.

Begin implementation of a centralized, countywide, continuous improvement, project management and change management program to ensure fiscal sustainability, well-managed risk and valued and engaged employees.


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)

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