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Register As A Supplier

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Milwaukee County. Below are the instructions on how to register to become a supplier with Milwaukee County.

How To Register

To register as a Supplier with Milwaukee County, there are four main systems you'll want to use:

  • Infor: This system is Milwaukee County's primary financial and purchasing system. Please register as a Supplier in our Supplier Portal to ensure you receive information about opportunities that may interest you.

  • Bonfire: Procurement uses Bonfire to release bids and RFPs. Bonfire is not the only tool Milwaukee County uses to release bids and RFPs, so we do recommend you continue to monitor the Business Opportunity Portal, but most of our solicitations are issued from Bonfire. Bonfire provides instructions on how to register as a Vendor in a private portal like Milwaukee County. You do not need to pay anything to register as a Vendor. Bonfire does offer a paid membership, but it is not needed to participate in Milwaukee County's solicitations. Please let us know if you run into any difficulties registering in Bonfire.
  • B2GNow: CBDP uses B2GNow as Milwaukee County's Diversity Management and Compliance System. You can use it to apply for certification, join our database of certified firms, view contracts, and if selected by a prime as a TBE participant on a contract, track your progress on the contract and payments due to you. CBDP can advise further on the use of B2GNow.
  • E-Notify: It is also recommended that you register for “E-Notify” to receive notices from the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County and Milwaukee Public schools. Choose from news releases, meeting notices and agendas, job announcements, new property sale listings, bid notices, online auction items, and many others.


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)

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