Milwaukee County’s goal is to enrich your life by providing essential services that meet your needs and those of your family, neighbors, co-workers and friends.
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Milwaukee County is home to over 950,000 people living in one of 19 communities, which range in size from the City of Milwaukee, with 595,000 residents, to the Village of River Hills, with roughly 1,600 residents.
Still a manufacturing stronghold, the region features 16 Fortune 1000 companies and thousands of others in the financial services, medical device, hospitality and retailing industries.
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The project consists of a 27,000 S/F two-story addition, 1,800 S/F added outdoor recreation space, and 8,800 s/f of renovation to the Vel R. Phillips Youth and Family Justice Center that will be referred to as the Secure Residential Care Center for Children and Youth (SRCCCY). The two-story addition will add a Welcome Center, Administration, Admissions & Release, Security & control, Health Center & Behavioral, Visitation, Food Services, Interior and Exterior Recreation, Education, Housing, and Secured Perimeter to the campus. The Renovation work is to existing MCAP pods and infrastructure. The completed facility is expected to house up to (50) youth. The vision for Milwaukee County SRCCCY is to Establish a safe, positive, sustainable, and developmentally appropriate treatment environment for youth committed to the county that effectively promotes accountability, protects the community, reduces recidivism, and returns youth to our community with the skills needed to become successful and productive citizens. Bidding document distribution will be online in Bid Express internet Bidding System at
Non -Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: April 24, 2024 at 10am. Vel Phillips Youth and Family Justice Center located at 10201 W Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee.
Bids Due: May 10, 2024 no later than 2:00 P.M. Bids are to be completed online in Bid Express internet Bidding System at
Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 N. 9th St., Room 308 Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)