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Adult Social Softball Leagues

Milwaukee County Social Softball Leagues

Milwaukee County Parks Adult Summer and Fall sports leagues serve men and women, age 18 or older, with a variety of social leagues that run from April through October at various parks throughout Milwaukee County.

Summer Social Leagues

These leagues are for beginners or players looking to have fun in a less competitive environment. Composite bats may be used in these leagues but must be on the ASA approved bat list. No metal spikes are allowed in any social league. See the League Rule Book for league specifics. Maximum teams per league is eight with minimum of four for league play with a total of 10 weeks/games. To be considered for acceptance into any league, each manager must submit all required forms and fees during registration periods. Preference will be given on a first-come, first-served basis until each league is filled. No tournament or awards are offered for these leagues.

Men's Social League - Estabrook/Kletzsch Park

COED Social League - LaFollette Park

How to Join a Summer League

Form a team of friends, all 18 years or older. Each team must have a manager and can have an unlimited roster. The team manager must submit an official application form and pay the registration fees by the registration deadline. Preferences will be given on a first-come, first-served basis until each league is filled.

 Application Form 

Other Information Links

League Rule Book

Manager Memo

ASA Approved-Banned Bats

Fall Social Leagues

These leagues are for beginners or players looking to have fun in a less competitive environment. Composite bats may be used in these leagues but must be on the ASA approved bat list. No metal spikes are allowed in any social league. See the League Rule Book for league specifics. Maximum teams per league is eight with minimum of four for league play with a total of 7 weeks/games. To be considered for acceptance into any league, each manager must submit all required forms and fees during registration periods. Preferences will be given on a first-come, first-served basis until each league is filled. No tournament or awards are offered for these leagues.

Men's Social Leagues - West Milwaukee Park

  • Wednesday Night - Schedule & Standings

COED Social Leagues - West Milwaukee Park

How to Join a Fall League

Form a team of friends, all 18 years of older. Each team must have a manager and can have an unlimited roster. The team manager must submit an official application form and pay the registration fees by the registration deadline. Preferences will be given on a first-come, first-served basis until each league is filled.

Application Form

Other Information Links

League Rule Book

Manager Memo

ASA Approved-Banned Bats

Ball Field Conditions

Note: Parks have until 4 p.m. to cancel games.

Cancellation and Inclement Weather Policy

The Milwaukee County Parks reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or relocate any rental if rental facility is not in playable condition. Every attempt possible will be made to avoid any and all inconveniences to customers. Groups who fail to follow field condition decisions could be charged for damages regardless if permits are taken out. In the event of a cancellation during the week, please visit our website under the Field Conditions tabs. For weekend rentals, park personnel will be in direct contact with the permit holder at least two hours prior to start of rental. At any time, please refer to your permit for specific operations contact information.

Please note, no more than four bags of diamond dry product will be applied to any field at any time to alleviate standing water or other weather related issues. Any more than this can risk permanent damage to fields and will not be used under any circumstances.

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