Sheriff's Department
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Public Service Announcements

Telephone Scam

Citizens report they are receiving suspicious phone calls by someone who claims to be a deputy asking for a payment of some type.

The Sheriff's Office DOES NOT call citizens threatening arrest for failure to pay fines. If you have received such a call, hang up and report the call to [email protected].

  • DO NOT GIVE MONEY TO CALLERS CLAIMING TO BE FROM THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE! Scammers call county residents claiming to be with the Sheriff's Office, and advise the victim they will be arrested for warrants or failure to show for jury duty, unless they pay the fines with pre-paid credit cards or gift cards. The caller then has the victim provide the codes on the cards and transfers the money to their own accounts. 
  • The Sheriff's Office WILL NEVER call citizens and ask them to pay fines, court costs or fees.
  • DO NOT give money.
  • DO NOT give credit cards numbers.
  • DO NOT purchase pre-paid cards to pay fines, court costs or fees.
  • DO NOT give out your social security number, or any part of it, to callers claiming to be from the Sheriff's Office.

In another version of the phone scams, a person claiming to be an investigator with an out-of-state police department tells the potential victim they have not paid for a loan they received a long time ago and that he is going to send the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office to arrest them if they don't pay. Hang Up.

If you receive any phone calls of this type, report it to the authorities. If possible write down the phone number to give to the authorities.

Sheriff's Office General Information (414) 278-4700

Internet Crimes Against Children

The Problem

The availability of the internet to almost everyone, at any location, gives criminals who would sexually exploit children incredible access to our children. As a result, statistics indicate that internet crimes against children are increasing. These crimes include people from all walks of life and are not limited to a certain profile. Offenders arrested by the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office have included a college student, an attorney, a school bus driver and a grandfather. According to one study, approximately one in seven children is sexually solicited online and only seven percent of children tell a parent about the experience.

Our goal is to identify offenders and remove computers that are distributing child pornography.

To address this problem, the Wisconsin Department of Justice's Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, along with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and the Ad Council are participating in a national public awareness campaign: "Help Delete Online Predators."

We hope this campaign:

Increases awareness about the prevalence of online sexual exploitation.

Helps families protect themselves against online sexual predators.

Educates families about the Wisconsin Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This is a resource that provides Internet safety tips.

The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office provides free internet safety training for parents, local area schools and groups. This training informs parents of the dangers that exist online and provides information on what parents can do to help keep their children safe on the internet.

What to Look For

Signs that might indicate your child is in danger online:

  1. Your child spends large amounts of time online, especially at night.
  2. Your child receives phone calls from an adult you do not know or your child is making phone calls to numbers you do not know.
  3. Your child receives gifts, letters, money, calling cards or packages through the mail from someone you do not know.
  4. Your child is using an online account that belongs to someone else.
  5. Your child turns the computer monitor off or quickly changes the screen when you come into the room.
  6. You find pornography on your child's computer.

Safety tips for parents:

  1. Know what your child is doing online and where they are doing it.
  2. Talk to your child about potential online dangers.
  3. Consider using filtering or monitoring software for your computer.
  4. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) about their filtering capabilities.
  5. Teach your child to never give out personal information online.
  6. Tell your child to never meet with anyone they meet online unless you are present.
  7. Keep the computer out of your child's bedroom and in a central location.
  8. Report any online incidents to your local sheriff's office or police department.

National Center For Missing And Exploited Children


Click It or Ticket

MCSO is very serious about the safety of travelers on the Milwaukee County freeway system. One area of enforcement directly related to the safety of the drivers' is the enforcement of seatbelt laws. If you do not have a seatbelt on, or your passengers or children are not properly restrained, YOU WILL RECEIVE A TICKET. The fines for violation of safety restraints are as follows:

  • Mandatory seat belt for driver and passengers at least 4 years of age: $10
  • Child under 4 years of age: $140.20
  • Child between 2-4 years of age, but less than 8 years of age: $115.40
  • Second offense within three years: $165
  • Three or more offenses within three years: $227

Seat belts are also important to prevent possible injuries during air bag deployment. Air bags deploy quickly, and proper use of seat belts have helped save over 1,800 lives and have prevented serious head and neck injuries. Of those persons killed during accidents where the air bags have deployed, most of those persons were not wearing their seatbelts.

It is important to always wear your seat belts properly, use both the lap and shoulder restraint. Pregnant women should place the lap restraint low on the hips and upper thighs, and below the abdomen. Children aged 12 and under should ride in the rear seat, buckled up in child safety seats or with safety belts appropriate to their size and age. Infants should NEVER ride in the front seat in a vehicle equipped with a front passenger air bag.


Operation Drive Sober

Don't Drink and Drive! MCSO deputies patrol all the roadways in Milwaukee County to ensure drivers are obeying the laws and not driving impaired. If you believe a driver on the road may be imparied call 911. The dispatchers will take the appropriate action. If you see something, say something.  

Move Over Law

The law requires drivers to shift lanes or slow down in order to provide a "safety zone" for a squad car, ambulance, fire truck, tow truck, utility vehicle or highway maintenance vehicle that is stopped on the side of a road with its warning lights flashing.

Milwaukee County Sheriff Badge

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