Motorcycle and Squad Patrol
Squad cars and motorcycles provide the necessary transportation to respond to the many calls for service throughout Milwaukee County. Motorcycles are an important aspect of patrolling the county parks, neighborhoods and providing dignitary escorts. The Sheriff's Office uses SUVs, sedans, jeeps, marked and unmarked squad cars.
Motorist Service / Enhancement Squads
The MCSO has squads dedicated to provide motorist service needs. If you have a problem with your vehicle, make every attempt to drive the vehicle out of traffic and onto the distress or median lane. Do not attempt to fix your vehicle or change tires while in the lanes of traffic. A MCSO deputy will be along to assist you as soon as they are available. The MCSO has contracted with local towing agencies to assist in moving your vehicle from the freeway system, or you may call a towing or motorist service agency of your choice.
Mitigation Squads
The MCSO, in conjunction with the Department of Transportation, provide for mitigation squads to patrol construction areas along the freeway. These squads are specifically assigned to construction areas and their responsibility is to keep traffic in the construction zones moving freely and safely.
Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety
The MCSO, under the lead of the Wisconsin State Patrol, work together to ensure overall safety conditions of commercial vehicles and their drivers. Deputies trained in commercial vehicle inspections provide educational presentations to local companies on safe motor vehicle operation and violations. Deputies conduct a minimum of 128 motor vehicle stops / inspections per year. The MCSO, in conjunction with Milwaukee Police Department and Wisconsin State Patrol, conducts a minimum of four multi-jurisdictional truck enforcements per year.