Sheriff's Department
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Public Records

Public Records Request

The Public Records Division maintains and distributes public records for the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office, including the Milwaukee County Jail. Requests are accepted via email, in person, U.S. mail or fax. Records include (but are not limited to) citations, incident reports, crash reports, photos, squad video, 911 call recordings and criminal history information pertaining to the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office only. The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office is governed by the Wisconsin Public Records law.

Please find below a link to the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office policy on Use of Force.  This policy is available for you to view or print.  If you need assistance obtaining a printed copy of this policy, please contact public records using the contact information below.


821 W. State St. Rm 102
Milwaukee, WI 53233

Hours: Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Phone: (414) 226-7085

Fax: (414) 223-1267


You can request information available under the Wisconsin Public Records Law online or via a fillable form.

The button below takes you to a request form that is completed online. Once the submit button is pressed the request is emailed to the Public Records staff.


Public Records Fee Schedule

Accident Reports - $6

Booking Photo - $1.50

RMS Reports - $1

CAD reports - $1

Citation/Tickets - $1

CD/DVD for Video/Photos - $10

Other Copies - $0.15 

Milwaukee County Sheriff Badge

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