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Retiree Life Insurance

Health & Wellness

Basic Life Insurance

If you were enrolled in Basic Life Insurance when you were an active county employee, i.e., prior to retirement, you are eligible to continue Basic Life Insurance coverage. The coverage is administered through MetLife and is available when a retiree reaches age 65. Some retirees are not required to pay any contribution upon reaching age 65. There is a reduction in life insurance coverage for retirees age 65 and above.

Life Insurance Reduction Schedule

Age % of Benefit
Less than Age 65 100%
Age 65 but less than 66 92%
Age 66 but less than 67 84%
Age 67 but less than 68 76%
Age 68 but less than 69 68%
Age 69 but less than 70 60%
Age 70 and older 25%


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  Can I continue my Basic Life Insurance coverage upon retirement?

Yes, if you were enrolled in Basic Life Insurance through Milwaukee County when you were an active employee, you are eligible to continue Basic Life Insurance coverage as a retiree.

  Can I enroll in life insurance upon retirement?

No, only retirees who were already enrolled in Basic Life Insurance as an active employee are eligible to continue coverage upon retirement.

  What changes are there in life insurance when I turn age 65?

If you receive county-paid medical insurance, you will no longer pay any premiums toward your life insurance after age 65.  

If you do not qualify for county-paid medical insurance, you will continue paying premiums; however, the premiums will reduce as the value of your life insurance amount reduces. 

  Can I continue my supplemental, spousal and dependent life coverage upon retirement?

No, supplemental, spousal and dependent life insurance are not available for county retirees.

  How do I change my life insurance beneficiary?

Upon request, Milwaukee County will send you a life insurance Change of Beneficiary Form to complete and return to the Benefits Division.

  What if I am the surviving beneficiary (e.g., spouse) of a Milwaukee County retiree?

Complete the Life Insurance Claim Form and mail to MetLife with a copy of the death certificate. If you have not already done so,  notify Retirement Planning Services at (414) 278-4210

Total Rewards Contact Information

Milwaukee County Courthouse

901 North 9th Street Room 210

Milwaukee, WI 53233

Phone Number: (414) 278-4198

Fax Number: (414) 223-1379

[email protected]


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St. Room 210
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 278-4143 (Main Phone)
(877) 652-6377 (Main Toll Free)
(414) 223-1379 (Fax)
[email protected]

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