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Heath & Wellness

Prescription Drug Coverage

OptumRx's Mail Service Saver Plus program is mandatory if you are taking maintenance medication.

  • OptumRx Booklet
  • Better manage the medication you take on an ongoing basis
    1. Speak to a pharmacist any time, any day
    2. Set up texts and email reminders for taking and/or refilling your medications
    3. Fill new prescriptions and transfer other prescriptions
  • Save both time and money
    1. You may pay less for your medication with a three-month supply
    2. Free standard shipping
  • Fill your prescriptions for maintenance medications through safe and reliable home delivery
  • Refill your maintenance medications at a retail pharmacy up to three times

Manage Your Maintenance Medication Prescriptions

  • Online Registration
  • Phone
  • Fax/ ePrescribe

Visit MyUHC to register. Be sure to have your health plan ID card and medicine bottles on hand. 

Call the phone number on the back of your plan ID card. Have your plan ID card and medications bottles available. 

Ask your doctor to call (800) 791-7658 for instructions on how to send your prescription electronically.

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  What is a maintenance medication?

Maintenance drugs are medications prescribed for chronic, long-term conditions and are taken on a regular, recurring basis. OptumRx will mail you notification of a maintenance medication after each pharmacy refill. 

  Am I required to use the Mail Service Saver Plus for maintenance medications if I am not eligible for Medicare?

Yes. If you are on the Choice Plus PPO plan and not Medicare eligible, you must use the Mail Service Saver Plus through OptumRx for maintenance medications.  

  Am I required to use the Mail Service Saver Plus if I am eligible for Medicare?

No. Retirees who are eligible for Medicare are not required to use the Mail Service Saver Plus through OptumRx.

  How many times am I allowed to use my local pharmacy for my maintenance medications?

You may refill up to three times at your local pharmacy before you are required to use the Mail Service Saver Plus through OptumRx. If you continue to use your local pharmacy for more than three refills of a maintenance medication, you will be charged full price for your prescriptions.  

Total Rewards Contact Information

Milwaukee County Courthouse

901 N. 9th St. Room 210

Milwaukee, WI 53233

Phone Number: (414) 278-4198

Fax Number: (414) 223-1379

[email protected]


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St. Room 210
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 278-4143 (Main Phone)
(877) 652-6377 (Main Toll Free)
(414) 223-1379 (Fax)
[email protected]

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