Milwaukee County Courts
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Remote Court Appearances via Zoom

How to Use Zoom to Remotely Attend Court

The Milwaukee County Circuit Court offers the ability to appear in court remotely using Zoom, a remote conferencing service. You can use Zoom from a computer, from a smartphone or mobile device or from a telephone. 

A meeting ID and a meeting password are required to participate in remote appearances. These are provided on the Notice of Hearing mailed or electronically sent to the parties. Only parties to the action should be appearing via Zoom. Unless otherwise specified on the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA) website with respect to a particular case, members of the general public interested in viewing court proceedings can view a live stream via YouTube. Links to online court proceedings can be found on the WI Courts website under "Live Stream Courts."

How to Appear Remotely

Parties may appear at the hearing using Zoom on a computer, using Zoom on a smartphone or other mobile device or using Zoom on a telephone. If you are joining using a computer, you will need a web camera and microphone connected to your computer. If you don't have those items, then use a smartphone or mobile device. You can also join using just a telephone.

Appearing Remotely Using an Internet Browser

  1. Go to the Zoom Website.
  2. Click “Join a Meeting."
  3. Enter meeting ID and meeting password from your Notice of Hearing document.

Note: If you have a microphone connected to your computer, do not also call in by phone. Doing so will create audio feedback during the session.

Appearing Remotely Using the Zoom Workplace App

  1. Download the "Zoom Workplace for mobile" app to your smartphone from the Zoom downloads page. The app is free.
  2. Click “Join a Meeting."
  3. Enter meeting ID and meeting password from your Notice of Hearing document.

Note: Download the app before your scheduled court hearing. Be sure your phone is fully charged. Using Zoom significantly drains the phone’s battery.

Appearing Remotely by Telephone

  1. Call (312) 626-6799.
  2. Enter meeting ID and meeting password from your Notice of Hearing document.

If the phone number does not work, try one of the following numbers by location:

There are a number of ‘How To’ videos available on the Zoom website.


901 North 9th Street, Room 104
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
(414) 278-5362


Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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