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The way to start an Adult Guardianship case is by speaking with a Deputy Register in Probate in our office, room 207 of the Milwaukee County Courthouse, Monday - Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(414) 278-4444
Guidelines for Permanent Guardianships
UWGB Guardianship Training Course
Attachment to Annual Accounting
GF-131A: Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem or Attorney
GF-131B: Consent to Act
GN-3110: Order and Notice of Hearing
GN-3115: Waiver and Consent to Petition for Guardianship Due to Incompetency
GN-3120: Affidavit of Service (Guardianship, Protective Placement, or Protective Services)
GN-3440: Guardianship or Conservatorship Inventory
GN-3450: Statement of Ward's Real Property filed with Register of Deeds
GN-3500: Account of Guardian or Conservator
GN-3520: Notice of Change of Address
GN-3650: Petition for Termination of Guardianship of Person/Estate
GN-3660: Order Terminating Guardianship or Denying Petition
GN-3730: Receipt from Guardian or Conservator
GN-3740: Order of Discharge of Guardian or Conservator
GN-101: Notice and Order for Hearing (Chapters 54 and 55)
GN-3650: Petition for Review and Modification or Termination of Guardianship
GN-3500: Guardian's Final Account
GN-3120: Affidavit of Service
GN-3660: Order on Petition for Review and Modification or Termination of Guardianship
GN-3740: Order for Discharge of Guardian or Conservator
GF-3740: Order for Discharge of Guardian or Conservator
MKE Co.: Receipt from Guardian or Conservator (Minor Turned 18)
GF-131A: Order Approving Guardian Ad Litem or Attorney
GN-3115: Waiver/Consent
901 North 9th Street, Room 104 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 (414) 278-5362
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.