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Chief Judge

Carl Ashley

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Chief Judge Carl Ashley

Judge Carl Ashley was appointed as Chief Judge of the First Judicial District effective April 15, 2023, by the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. He is the Chair of the Milwaukee Community Justice Council (MCJC).

During his 24 years on the bench, he had the privilege to serve in every court division (Misdemeanor, Felony, Family Court, Large Claims Civil, and Children's Court), as well as the Adult Drug Treatment Court, Veterans Treatment Court, and Domestic Violence Court.

Judge Ashley is Chair of the Supreme Court Planning and Policy Subcommittee on Effective Justice Strategies (EJS). Judge Ashley is also Past Chair of the Wisconsin State Bar Diversity and Inclusion Oversight Committee. He is the Chair of the Milwaukee County Race, Equity and Procedural Justice Committee.

He is a member of the Evidenced-based Sentencing Judicial Peer Group for the National Center for State Courts. He is a faculty member of the Wisconsin Judicial College. He is the Chair of the Wisconsin Association of Treatment Court Professionals (WATCP) Subcommittee on Equity and Inclusion.

In 2003, he received the Innovator of the Year Award in recognition of vision, creativity, and innovative spirit. In 2011, he was selected by the State Bar of Wisconsin as Judge of the Year. In 2013, Judge Ashley received the Leaders in the Law Award from the Wisconsin Law Journal. In 2014 and 2015, Judge Ashley was presented with the State Bar’s President’s Award. In 2016, he received the E. Michael McCann Distinguished Public Service Award. In 2019, he received the Charles L. Goldberg, Distinguished Service Award from the Wisconsin Law Foundation.


[email protected]


901 North 9th Street, Room 104
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
(414) 278-5362


Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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