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Crime Victim Compensation Program

Crime Victim Compensation

An innocent victim who suffers injury from a crime may apply to the State of Wisconsin for injury or death benefits up to $40,000. Injuries may include medical expenses, lost wages, loss of financial support, reasonable replacement costs of property being held as evidence and funeral expenses. Wisconsin Statute 949 states the Crime Victim Compensation Program has a moral responsibility to aid innocent victims of violent crime, to ease their financial burden, and maintain their dignity as they go through difficult and often traumatic times.

Note: Property crimes do not qualify for compensation.

For more information or to apply for reimbursement from the Crime Victim Compensation Fund contact the Victim Witness Services Division at (414) 278-4667 or visit the Wisconsin Department of Justice Crime Victim Compensation Fund website.


CVC Application Information


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821 W. State St., Room 405
Milwaukee, WI 53233

Phone: (414) 278-4646

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