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Workforce Data

Workforce Data

About These Data

Workforce data is collected when an employee begins their employment with Milwaukee County. During this process, data is collected to help the County better understand the demographic characteristics of its workforce relative to the residents of Milwaukee County. At Milwaukee County, we believe the makeup of our workforce should reflect and represent the communities we serve and is a key component of the County’s commitment to equity.

Why These Data Are Important

The present data shows there are workforce issues that require attention in order to achieve the vision of racial equity: targeted recruiting in several racial demographics (Hispanic/Latinx, Asian-American Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Native American/First Nations), gaps in data collection leading to inconclusive data and a need for a more inclusive, diverse workforce that represents the communities we serve. Furthermore, based on the diverse nature and needs of our workforce, our workforce demographics highlight a need to create an inclusive culture that allows employees to be their authentic selves and fosters an environment that promotes belonging. By doing so, we are choosing to set the example of creating racial equity in the workplace.

What We Are Doing About It

County is in the process of developing a workforce diversity and inclusion strategy to address the gaps in racial and gender workforce demographics that are present. This includes hiring a diversity recruiter who is focused on targeted recruiting to specific demographics and a data analytics coordinator who is focused on enhancing workforce data collection. The County has also begun a concentrated effort on workforce branding initiatives and the development of employee engagement opportunities to create a culture of inclusion which drives recruitment to employment.


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233


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