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ARPA Allocation

Vision Framework

ARPA Allocation Process

In 2021, the Milwaukee County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Task Force approved expenditure categories as well as a process to review and recommend funding allocations for consideration by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. Upon recommendation of expenditure category allocations by the ARPA Task Force, Service Area subgroups were established to generate service area allocation recommendations as demonstrated in the process chart shown here.

Recommendation Process

Expenditure Categories

Expenditure categories represent allowable uses of ARPA funds per federal guidance, strategic alignment with Milwaukee County goals, and awareness of the County’s fiscal position, community needs and challenges. The purpose of each expenditure category is summarized below.

  • Revenue Loss Recovery: Provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic
  • Community SupportRespond to economic harms to workers, families, small businesses, impacted industries and the public sector
    • Household Assistance: Respond to housing and economic needs of workers and families
    • Mental & Behavioral Health: Support public health response to the pandemic and leverage existing behavioral health services to integrate targeted services
    • Other Social Determinants of Health: Address remaining social determinants of health of community members
  • COVID-19 Mitigation: Fund COVID-19 mitigation efforts, medical expenses and certain public health and safety staff
  • Fund Administration: Manage and coordinate the use of ARPA funds to ensure strong programmatic and fiscal accountability, timely reporting and alignment with supplementary funding

ARPA Allocation Progress

Milwaukee County is dedicated to identifying strategies that will help the community recover from impacts of the pandemic and improve the organization’s fiscal health. This dashboard displays  Milwaukee County's ARPA allocation progress across the four expenditure categories: Community Support, Revenue Loss Recovery, COVID-19 Mitigation and Fund Administration. View full dashboard.


Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233


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