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Revenue Loss Recovery

Vision Framework

Revenue Loss Recovery

On September 2, 2021, the Milwaukee County ARPA Task Force approved ARPA Expenditure Categories and a process for reviewing and recommending ARPA funding allocations.

The Revenue Loss Recovery category allows Milwaukee County to provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic. Within this category, Milwaukee County is dedicated to making strategic investments that further the county’s ability to provide great public services after ARPA resources expire for a healthier community. To achieve this, the County will prioritize projects that improve the fiscal health of Milwaukee County and strengthen support for vital public services.

Revenue Loss Recovery Support Area Subgroups

The Revenue Loss Recovery Subgroup consists of leaders from the Office of Strategy, Budget & Performance, and the Office of the Comptroller. Supplementary subgroups are engaged as appropriate including the:

  • Fiscal Health Strategy Team
  • Information Management Services Division
  • Capital Improvement Committee Subgroup
  • Facilities Management Division

Fiscal Health Challenge

The Revenue Loss Recovery Subgroup created the Fiscal Health Project Challenge to provide Milwaukee County departments an opportunity to submit proposals to improve Milwaukee County’s fiscal position by making limited, one-time investments that will impact the structural deficit. Projects are designed to influence one or more of the following areas:

  • Cost Savings: Strategies that lower current spending for Milwaukee County and do not have a negative impact on business operations or service levels
  • Revenue Generation: Strategies that result in new and sustainable revenue for Milwaukee County
  • Capital Improvements & Deferred Maintenance: Projects that address deferred maintenance and capital project needs
  • Operational Improvement: Strategies that improve Milwaukee County operations through a one-time, short-term investment

Fiscal Health Challenge projects provide a range of benefits and address multiple county needs and goals, including:

  • Energy efficiency savings to advance the county climate action goals
  • Staff time savings through achievement of operational efficiencies
  • Return-on-investment through long-term cost savings and/or revenue generation
  • Improvements through capital projects and addressing deferred maintenance

Revenue Loss Recovery Funding Process

Milwaukee County Department Leaders were prompted to assess service areas in addition to countywide operations for investment opportunities. Leaders submitted strategies that would improve Milwaukee County’s fiscal position. To learn more about the Revenue Loss Recovery funding process, review the following:

Revenue Loss Recovery Allocation Progress

This dashboard displays project activities related to Milwaukee County’s Revenue Loss Recovery expenditure category project pipeline. View full dashboard.



Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

Email: [email protected]

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