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Emergency Medical Services


New EMS Pediatric Seizure Study

Dr. Lorin Browne and Dr. Ben Weston of the Medical College of Wisconsin, Study Investigators for The Pediatric Dose Optimization for Seizures in Emergency Medical Services (PediDOSE) study, are trying to improve seizure outcomes in children by equipping paramedics to quickly give the right anti-seizure medication dose. Because it is a time-sensitive condition, when Milwaukee County EMS transports a child, they will get enrolled before parent/guardian permission can be sought.

American Heart Association Training

OEM offers American Heart Association materials to contracted local training sites to train the public, first responders and medical providers in cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This life-saving procedure keeps gives first responders a better chance to produce a good outcome to this medical emergency.  

AHA Card Order Form - This form has been in use for the past year and has streamlined the process for ordering cards. Complete the form and provide a memo for what the cards are intended for. You will receive a confirmation message of you order. Once your order has been filled, an e-mail invoice will be sent to the e-mail on the original order. Remit payment to:

AHA Program 
633 W. Wisconsin Ave, Suite 700 
Milwaukee, WI 53203

AHA Course Roster Form - This form is intended to maintain instructor records so that we have an accurate database of all instructor activity. The instructor and class information are required on each digital form submitted. (It will not let you complete the form without this information.) 

Q: Can I still use paper forms? A: Yes, just upload them to the digital form when you are done with the class. 
Q: Is there a “save” button? A: Yes, at the bottom of the form it will allow you to save your progress and send a link to your e-mail to continue later on. 
Q: Do I need to separate out the skills sheets, answer sheets, surveys, etc for uploading? A: No, I am not going to be picky about that.  They are titled as such so you remember what the AHA will ask for each class. 
Q: Do I need enter student information if I use the paper forms? A: No, that is a redundant process. 
Q: Is there a certain file type or size limit for uploads? A: No, any file type or size is accepted. 
Q: Why did we go digital? A: We are a large Training Center with over 350 instructors, we need a tool that keeps accurate records and allows us to respond to your requests in a timely manner.  As AHA forms frequently change, this allows you as the instructor to always be using the most up to date form.

Instructor Renewal Checklist -  This form has been created to streamline the renewal process. The form has several fields that have been “pre-completed” to save you time. Training Center information has been completed so that the form is always showing the correct information.  

Instructor Monitoring Form - Same as the above forms, helps us to respond quicker and ensures compliance with AHA guidelines.

All AHA related inquiries are required to be sent to: [email protected] 

Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing EducationMilwaukee County EMS Is CAPCE Certified

Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) will serve as the recognized leader for continuing education in EMS, promoting its evolution and growth through development of continuing education standards, encouragement of innovative learning solutions, the support of continuous learning opportunities and the assurance of optimal learning experiences to prepare all EMS providers for their professional challenges. 

CAPCE, by its charter, maintains the standards for the delivery of EMS CE. Those standards include requirements for active medical direction, valid post-tests, quality infrastructure, sound educational design including delivery methodology, marketing, fees, evaluation, student record keeping and data reporting. CAPCE accreditation exists so that EMS providers have access to high quality, standard-driven continuing education activities and are awarded credit for participating in such activities.

CAPCE accreditation shows that an organization has voluntarily submitted to an objective assessment of its ability to meet established standards for educational planning, implementation and evaluation and that it has met or exceeded those criteria. The organization that has gone through the CAPCE accreditation process has demonstrated a commitment to excellence in EMS CE. This organization also provides leadership in the EMS arena by putting EMS CE on an equal footing with that of physicians and nurses.

Cardiac Arrest Registry for Enhanced Surviva

CARES is a national cardiac arrest data repository where like-minded EMS systems enter data on the treatment of cardiac arrest patients which is matched up with hospital data on patient outcomes. There are over 50 EMS systems throughout the United States that enter data into CARES. This data allows EMS systems to benchmark the care they provide cardiac arrest patients against other like-minded EMS systems.

Dispatcher-Assisted CPR

The Milwaukee County Dispatcher Assisted Bystander CPR program seeks to improve cardiac arrest survival rates in Milwaukee County. When bystanders initiate CPR, survival odds double. Unfortunately, bystander CPR is attempted on only 19% of cardiac arrest victims in the County. This rate could improve if every 911 caller received CPR coaching.


633 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 700 
Milwaukee, WI 53203 

821 W. State St., Room 305
Milwaukee, WI 53233

24/7 number: (414) 257-4709

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