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Milwaukee County Motor Vehicle Collision Dashboard

Motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) remain a major concern in Milwaukee County. Beyond death, MVCs cause significant injury and disability, as well as secondary trauma in the community. Moreover, injury and death from MVCs are not equitably distributed, disproportionately affecting low-income populations and people of color.

MVCs are preventable. In order to prevent them, we need to see where and understand why they occur. View the Dashboard to explore MVC distribution and rates across Milwaukee County.

MVC Dashboard

Please click on the image of the MVC Dashboard to access it.

This work is funded in part by Milwaukee County Department of Transportation Director’s Office through (1) the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) through WisDOT and USDOT, and (2) Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program through USDOT. This MVC Dashboard is a key deliverable in Milwaukee County’s Complete Communities Transportation Planning Project.

This dashboard is a product of the Milwaukee Area Safe Streets Taskforce (MASST), which is comprised of multidisciplinary stakeholders from law enforcement, emergency services, public works, public health, medical, and research sectors. MASST has created this dashboard to help Milwaukee County better understand and address MVC distribution and rates to make streets in Milwaukee County safer.


Donna Brown-Martin, Director
10320 W. Watertown Plank Rd., 2nd Floor
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
(414) 257-5992

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