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June 6, 2024

Milwaukee County Honored with Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for 2024

This award is the highest recognition in governmental budgeting

MILWAUKEE – Milwaukee County was recently honored with the 2024 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the County’s budgetary excellence, transparency and efficiency in adopting the 2024 Budget. This is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting, and marks the 11th consecutive year and 15th time overall that Milwaukee County has received this honor.

“Milwaukee County is committed to transparent, efficient, and effective budgeting, so residents can be confident in how taxpayer dollars are allocated and deployed in the community,” said Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley. “I applaud the Milwaukee County Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance for setting a new standard that is leading to more informed decision-making, helping us advance our vision of racial equity, and ultimately benefiting all residents of Milwaukee County."

To receive this award, Milwaukee County had to satisfy nationally-recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation in ensuring transparent, efficient, and accountable use of County resources. As part of the review process, a panel of government finance professionals reviewed and scored the document to assess how well the County’s budget serves as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications device. Milwaukee County's budget documents were rated "proficient" in all four categories and meet all fourteen mandatory criteria within those categories.

"We are proud to receive this award which demonstrates Milwaukee County’s commitment to transparency and best practices in budgeting and financial planning,” said Joe Lamers, Director, Milwaukee County Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance. “The award could not have been received without the dedication and commitment of all the staff involved in the budget process, including staff in the budget office, policy makers, and fiscal officers throughout County departments."

The GFOA established the Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards in 1984 to encourage and assist state and local governments in preparing their budget documents using the highest quality standards. Milwaukee County's consistent recognition in this program highlights its ongoing efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America.

View more information about the Milwaukee County Office of Strategy, Budget, and Performance (SBP). The 2024 Adopted Budget is also available.




(414) 278-4211 | fax: (414) 223-1375
Milwaukee County Courthouse, Room 306
901 N. 9th Street | Milwaukee, WI 53233

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