Ethics Board
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Statement of Economic Interests

Who Must File?

What Is a Statement of Economic Interests?

The Ethics Code (M.C.G.O. § 9.03) requires financial disclosure through the filing of a Statement of Economic Interests (SEI). While the Ethics Code applies to all public officials and county employees, regardless of whether they are required to file an SEI, only the following are required to file:

  • All county elected officials
  • All candidates for elected offices
  • All county employees whose duties and responsibilities, performed for or on behalf of the county or any board or commission thereof, include the awarding or execution of contracts for the purchase of supplies, services, materials and/or equipment, the construction of public works, and/or the sale or leasing of real estate
  • Certain members of Boards and Commissions if designated by the Ethics Board
  • Members of county boards and commissions if designated by the Ethics Board or the County Board of Supervisors

Public Access to Statements of Economic Interests

All Statements of Economic Interests are retained by the Ethics Board for six years from the date of receipt and are available for public inspection through an open records request.

File an Open Record Request

Requests for records may be made in person at the office, by U.S. mail, by phone or from the MyCounty Customer Portal. Access to records will be made available for review to any person requesting them, except where the right to inspect or copy a record does not apply. It is solely within the power of the custodian whether access will be permitted, except where access is required by law.


Submit an Open Records Request


Attorney Adam J. Gilmore - Executive Director
Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Suite 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

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