Sheriff's Department
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Sheriff's Office - Now Hiring for Correctional Officer!

Sheriff Ball

What We Do

The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) maintains the county jail, provides bailiff services for the cirucit court, patrols the freeway, provides law enforcement presence at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport and the Milwaukee County Institutions Complex. We maintain the peace throughout the County.

Our Mission

To serve and protect everyone within Milwaukee County with fairness, integrity, and respect.

Our Values

As a team we are "Commited to Service" through:

  • Professionalism

    We will provide quality service through motivated, dedicated and well-trained employees. Our actions, attitude and appearance will demonstrate self-discipline, attention to duty and service to our community.

  • Fairness

    We will maintain an ethical standard of what is right and proper, free from self-interest, racial injustice or favoritism. We will be consistent, objective and just in all our actions.

  • Integrity

    We will earn and maintain the trust of our community by being personally and professionally accountable to the highest ethical and moral standards. We will conduct ourselves above reproach, mindful of justice, and with the courage to uphold these convictions.

  • Respect

    We will treat everyone in a manner that preserves their dignity

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Open Atlas One Safety App Flyer

Career Opportunities

Looking for a rewarding and fulfilling career? We are looking for talented, dedicated and committed people. MCSO has several career tracks. You can pursue the career track that is right for you. Find out what it takes.

Deputy Sheriff

Corrections Officer

Hourly Baliff

Together We Can

Captain Hannah Recognized At IACP's 40 Under 40Captain Hannah, Deputy Joshua, Captain J. Briggs At The MCSO Awards CeremonyDeputies Completed Menorah Parade EscortDeputies Deliver Thanksgiving Turkeys To Families In NeedDeputy Rodriguez Attends A Convention In MadisonMCSO Promotes New SupervisorsMCSO Supports Our Military

Milwaukee County Sheriff Badge

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