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Veterans Treatment Court

Linking Veterans With Evidence-Based Rehabilitative Services

Milwaukee County Veterans Treatment Court

About Us

The Milwaukee County Veterans Treatment Court (MCVTC) program is a voluntary program designed to successfully rehabilitate veterans in recognition of their service to our country and the challenges they and their families may encounter.

MCVTC diverts veterans from the traditional criminal justice system into a specialty court specifically designed with the needs of veterans in mind and strives to provide veterans with the tools they need to lead productive and law-abiding lives.


  • Reignite the core values of military service into veteran participants’ daily routines
  • Reduce criminal recidivism and other court contacts
  • Facilitate sobriety, abstinence and improved behavioral health
  • Increase compliance with treatment and other court ordered conditions
  • Work to alleviate issues surrounding veteran participants’ service-related behavioral health issues
  • Ensure available VA benefits and services are accessed by veteran participants
  • Integrate community based treatment options and services as appropriate
  • Improve veteran participants’ family relationships and social support connections
  • Improve veteran participants’ economic stability



Anyone may refer cases involving Veterans to the MCVTC, including, but not limited to:

  • Attorneys
  • Veterans
  • Probation or extended supervision agents
  • Family members
  • Sentencing judge
  • Community Partners

MCVTC Admission Approval

The District Attorney’s office will review the eligibility standards for the referred Veteran and determine if the charges and sentencing guidelines are appropriate for participation in the MCVTC.

To be eligible for participation, a prospective Milwaukee County VTC participant must:

  • Have served in the United States Armed Forces and have received a discharge other than dishonorable
  • Be facing criminal charges in the Milwaukee County Circuit Court
  • Be reviewed and approved by the MCVTC Team to determine appropriateness for participation
  • Agree to appear at all required MCVTC court sessions


The MCVTC has adopted the following key components as its essential tenets:

  • MCVTC integrates alcohol, drug treatment and behavioral health services with justice system case management
  • Using a non-adversarial approach, prosecution and defense counsel promote public safety while protecting participants’ due process rights
  • Eligible participants are identified early and promptly admitted to MCVTC
  • MCVTC provides access to a continuum of alcohol, drug, behavioral health and related treatment services
  • Abstinence is monitored by frequent alcohol and other drug testing
  • A coordinated strategy involving consistent case management that governs the responses to participants’ compliance
  • Ongoing judicial interaction with each veteran is essential
  • Monitoring and evaluation measures the achievement of program goals and gauges effectiveness
  • Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes effective planning, implementation, and operation
  • Forging partnerships generates local support and enhances the VTC’s effectiveness

Apply for Veteran's Treatment Court

Download Application to Apply

Email completed application to [email protected]

VTC Policy and Procedures | VTC Participant Handbook


“I think it was helpful in giving us a second chance at life, because we could have ended up in a whole lot of different situations, we were given a second opportunity to stay clean and be a productive member of society.”

- Tommie, Army Veteran

“I’ve had help from a lot of community resources, which include the Dry Hooch, and they really helped me out when I was flat on my back.”

- Nathan, National Guard

“I thought I was being, like, punished. . . . But since I’ve been in this program, I’ve been so inspired to change for the better and to strive to be a better person and do something with my life instead of just doing it on pass. It has taught me to move forward, and it has also taught me that if you seek help, people will help you.”

- Karen, Navy Veteran

Contact Us

To make a referral or to obtain additional information, contact: Jake Patten, MCVTC Coordinator (414) 278-2061.


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  What if I want to represent myself during court appearances?

You must have an attorney to participate in MCVTC.

  I don't have transportation because of my OWI. How am I supposed to get to treatment and court?

When available, MCVTC may provide bus tickets for transportation

  How often do I need to present to court?

It will depend on how well you are doing in the program, but no more than once per week. Unless you are told your appearance is waived you must be present at all court appearances.

  What's the benefit of going through MCVTC rather than the traditional court process?

Successful completion of the program may result in charges being reduced or dismissed which often results in a decrease of potential jail time, reduced fines and allows for a lesser impact to your overall criminal record.

  What's a monitoring agency?

The agency that will be working with you while you are in MCVTC ( Veterans Affairs, Center for Veterans Issues and/or Department of Corrections).

  Do I need to appear for the MCVTC staffings?

Your attorney is the only one that should be present, you do not have to be present for staffing

  Do I need the court's permission to travel outside of the state?

Court authorization is required for out of state travel. Additionally, if you plan to travel within the state you must get approval from the court if you will miss treatment sessions, drug screens or scheduled court reviews.


901 North 9th Street, Room 104
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
(414) 278-5362


Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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