County Executive
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County Executive David Crowley Statement on the Fourth of July 

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley released the following statement today in commemoration of Independence Day on July 4th: 

“After making considerable progress with getting residents vaccinated and taking a stepwise approach to re-opening our region, I’m thrilled that County residents will have the option to celebrate the Fourth of July in-person with their families and friends.  

“Today, we celebrate our nation’s independence, when America’s Founding Fathers penned the Declaration of Independence and adopted the principles of justice, equality, and freedom that would become the cornerstone values of our democracy. 

“We also acknowledge that we still have work to do to ensure these principles are a reality for all Americans. Throughout our nation’s history, people have fought to ensure the democracy started by the Founding Fathers actually works for all of us. Milwaukee County leaders are proud to follow in that tradition as we work to achieve racial equity and dismantle centuries of systemic racism that have held generations of residents back. 

“As we celebrate the holiday, we continue the work of advancing racial equity in order to make this nation a more equal, more just, and freer place to live.” 




(414) 278-4211 | fax: (414) 223-1375
Milwaukee County Courthouse, Room 306
901 N. 9th Street | Milwaukee, WI 53233

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