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County Executive David Crowley on Wisconsin Supreme Court’s Ruling Restricting Access to the Ballot Box

MILWAUKEE, WI – The following is the statement of County Executive David Crowley on the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision restricting access to the ballot box: 

“In 2020, Milwaukee successfully used drop box locations at alternate voting sites to allow residents to cast their ballots safely and securely during a global pandemic. Even in a public health crisis, residents deserve access to the ballot box and the right of every eligible voter to cast their vote must be protected. Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court undermined that central tenant of our democracy by making it harder for residents to exercise their right to vote. This ruling continues a disgusting tradition of attacking the voting rights of people who’ve historically been kept out of the voting booth due to intimidation, violence, and racial discrimination in voting laws. Furthermore, it reduces options to cast a ballot for residents with disabilities and mobility issues who cannot personally mail a ballot or visit their clerk’s office. 

“Today’s ruling is an affront to Milwaukee County’s mission and vision to achieve race and health equity. When residents can’t have their voices heard they can’t hold their leaders accountable and make sure their government is meeting their needs. Now, more than ever, state leaders should be working to expand voting access and making it easy for every eligible voter to participate if they choose. As a believer in safe, secure, free, and fair elections I will never stop fighting to increase access to the ballot box and strengthening our democracy.”




(414) 278-4211 | fax: (414) 223-1375
Milwaukee County Courthouse, Room 306
901 N. 9th Street | Milwaukee, WI 53233

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