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County Executive David Crowley Named Vice Chair of National Association of Counties Large Urban County Caucus

Large Urban County Caucus serves as the voice for America’s metropolitan counties before Congress and the Presidential Administration

MILWAUKEE, WI – County Executive David Crowley has been appointed by National Association of Counties (NACo) President Denise Winfrey as Vice-Chair of NACo’s Large Urban County Caucus (LUCC). Comprised of county executives, NACo governing board members, and other senior elected officials, LUCC members focus on both challenges and solutions for large urban areas, engage in peer-to-peer information exchanges, and inform national policy discussions. 

“It is an honor to be named Vice-Chair of the Large Urban County Caucus by President Winfrey. Milwaukee County isn’t alone in facing challenges to best serving our residents’ needs, counties like ours all over the country have unique challenges that require unique solutions,” said County Executive David Crowley.  “In my experience, the best solutions come collaboration, transparency, and accountability. No group has a monopoly on good ideas and I’m looking forward to working with this bipartisan group of leaders to identify, and advocate for, the very best policies with significant impacts on the services we provide like transportation, housing, and public safety.” 

The appointment signals County Executive Crowley’s leadership and growing influence amongst his peers across the Country. In 2020, Crowley was appointed by previous NACo President, Gary Moore, as an at-large member of the NACo Board of Directors, serving as one of 10 at-large members from 2020-2021.   

According to NACo, LUCC is the premier forum for urban county leaders and is the voice for America’s metropolitan counties before Congress and the Administration. As a bipartisan caucus, LUCC meets in conjunction with the NACo Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. each winter and at the NACo Annual Conference in July. Its annual Symposium, held in the fall, is emerging as the must-attend event for LUCC members to engage with federal policymakers, influencers and innovators from world-class philanthropic organizations, think tanks, academic institutions and businesses to foster creative and new public/private collaborations and partnerships. 

Learn more about NACo.  Learn more about LUCC



(414) 278-4211 | fax: (414) 223-1375
Milwaukee County Courthouse, Room 306
901 N. 9th Street | Milwaukee, WI 53233

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