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RFP: WP0682 Whitnall Park Golf Clubhouse HVAC Replacement - Kitchen Remodel 

The Milwaukee County Parks Department is requesting the proposal for the planning and design of the Whitnall Park Golf Clubhouse HVAC Replacement - Kitchen Remodel. The goal is to retain a consultant to design replacement of HVAC system for Kitchen and Dining area along with ADA compliance requirements requiring Kitchen modifications along with addition of access ramps and a new ADA accessible bathroom. With respect to sustainability, the design and specification for the new HVAC equipment will incorporate the latest Standards and Guidelines currently offered by ASHRAE that include the latest energy efficiency and sustainability provisions. The proposal is for professional consulting services to provide full design and engineering services for the Whitnall Park Golf Clubhouse. Professional consulting services shall include documentation of existing conditions, programming, site planning, schematic design, design development, assisting the construction administrator with cost estimates, construction documents, permitting, bidding, and construction administration. Milwaukee County seeks to improve select interior and exterior building components associated with the Whitnall Park Golf Clubhouse to achieve greater energy efficiency of the building, address known defects, as well as improve and update the facility for ADA compliance purposes. The County will require that such strategies be explored in the design phase of this project.

Pre-Proposal Meeting: July 26, 2023 at 2:00pm  August 9, 2023 at 11am. Meet at Whitnall Park Golf Clubhouse, 6751 S. 92nd Street, Franklin, WI. Virtual options also available, see RFP and Addendum #1.  

Proposals Due: August 9, 2023  August 23, 2023 no later than 2:00pm. Submit (5) copies and a flash drive  Submit the proposal electronically in PDF format to the attention of: 

Therese Gripentrog - Senior Landscape Architect 

[email protected] 


Additionally, by August 9, 2023 August 23, 2023 no later than 2:00pm, send an eletronic copy to: 

Jim Joehnk

[email protected] 



Milwaukee County Courthouse
901 N. 9th St., Room 308
Milwaukee, WI 53233

(414) 278-5353 (Voice), 711 (TRS)

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