MSOE Grohmann Museum
Join us for an hour-long guided tour through the Milwaukee School of Engineering's
Grohmann Museum! After the tour, participants will have time to explore on their own.
The Collection
With an ever-growing collection, there is always something new to see.
The Grohmann Museum collection currently comprises more than 1,900 paintings, sculptures, and works on paper from 1580 to the present. They reflect a variety of artistic styles and subjects that document the evolution of organized work from manpower and horsepower to water, steam, and electrical power. It was gifted to MSOE in 2001 by Milwaukee businessman and collector Dr. Eckhart Grohmann. To reserve your spot contact Julie Lara at (414) 289-6531 or
[email protected]. Reservations will be made on a first come first serve
basis, with limited available spots. Reservations must be made at least one week in advance of the tour date.